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I wake up in a dark room.
??:finally you are awake
you:what do you want from me? who are you?
taylor:I'm taylor I sneaked into the party.
you:please don't hurt me
taylor:oh princess i won't hurt you
you:then why am i here
taylor:i want vinnie to learn his lesson
you:but why me
taylor:because he loves you.now tell me why did you not wanna date him
you:because i want a normal life.
taylor:that's not it.
you:yes it is
taylor: no it's not because even if you guys didn't date you would still have a mafia mom so that's not the reason
taylor:What is the real reason.
you:i'm scared.
taylor:of what.
you:of falling in love and getting heartbroken
taylor:oh sweetheart you know bad things happen to liars i was never going to kidnapp you but once i heard you lie i decided to teach you a lesson
you:and how are you going to do that.
taylor:I won't hurt you but you shall stay here with me. until vinnie finds you
you:great vinnie won't care he hates me right now
taylor:no vinnie loves you and it's time you see that
hours passed then days then finally it happens the day arrives
i haven't ate in days
then i hear a gunshot
then bryce comes running into the room
bryce:come on
he picks me up and carries me to a car my eyes close i try to fight it but i cant
i wake up in our bed go downstairs i fall down the stares vinnie catches me
vinnie:hey you are okay
you:vinnie i'm hungry
vinnie:how long has it been since you ate
you:since the day of the party
vinnie:ava that was a week ago!
he takes me to the table and gives me food
you:thanks vin
vinnie:i'm sorry for leaving
you:it's okay you were mad but we have to talk
vinnie:yeah we do
you:vinnie it's not because i want a normal life. it's because im scared of heartbreak
vinnie:hey im not going to leave you
vinnie:Ava Carter will you be my girlfriend?
you:Vinnie Hacker i would love to be your girlfriend.
vinnie kisses me and i feel amazing i feel loved and i feel safe.
you:let's go do something fun today
vinnie:How about we go kill some people
vinnie:fine what do you wanna do
you:what time is it?
you:invite bryce and noah
vinnie:you sure
you:yes i'm sure i have a plan
vinnie:okay sure
he invites them over and they arrive
i go up to them and hug them
bryce:this is weird
noah:really weird
you:guys i don't want you hating me
bryce:but you must make us food
you:you wish
vinnie:ayy bros
bryce:what up
bryce:oh and ava?
bryce:i would rather you call us "the boys"
you:Haha you wish
vinnie:okay fr we all have to talk tomorrow we need to pack
bryce:we have a mafia week
noah:the whole week we go to las vegas and only the head mafias go we all plan stuff together
vinnie:yes so we need to cut some people out of our mafia
noah:ava you are now apart of the mafia
vinnie:so you will come
bryce:i think we kick out nessa
vinnie:yeah i agree so since only 3 people can come with me i have chosen ava bryce and noah
vinnie:we leave the day after tomorrow
bryce:okay well we should get going
you:okay bye
they leave
vinnie:you will be with me at all times and if anyone and i mean anyone touches you, i need you to tell me
you:but why can't i just ignore it
vinnie:these are mafia members once they have a eye on you they will never stop trying
you:trying what
vinnie:it's best i don't say now let's get some sleep
we change into our pajamas and fall asleep
A/n:hope you enjoyed leave ideas down below
word count:744

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