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I woke up and changed into a loose shirt with some sweatpants i then go make some avocado toast
he comes down and we sit to eat
you:so tomorrow is my birthday
vinnie:i know
you:yep i was thinking we should
vinnie:i aready have everything planned
you:oh okay it's just-
vinnie:babe tomorrow everything is planned
vinnie:okay so today i have some places to go so are you good with staying home?
vinnie:yep it's just for a few hours
you:oh okay
vinnie:can you wash the dishes i have to go
you:yep i can bye
he kisses me
vinnie pov:
i get up and leave to my car tomorrow will be the day the day i propose. it's her birthday so i am getting her another surprise a beautiful necklace and twomorrow bryce and noah are doing the favor of throwing a party! i'm super excited i just finished buying everything and i'm on my way home
ava pov:
i hear a knock i open the door and it's vinnie
vinnie:hey cutie
you:where did you go
vinnie:just got you a little something for tomorrow
you:vinnn you didn't have to
vinnie:i did have to
vinnie:wanna do something fun?
you:yes COME
we go upstairs and i apply the face mask
vinnie:oh bryce is calling
you:oh answer it i'll wait here
after a few moments vinnie comes back
you:what was that
vinnie:bryce is wondering something for tomorrow
you:vinnie what are you planning
vinnie:you will see tomorrow
you:okay what ever!
vinnie:pizza for dinner?
vinnie:okay i'll order it
he goes to order it then about 15 min later the door rings
i quickly take off our face mask and vinnie goes to get the pizza
vinnie:come let's eat
we sit down
you:i want one kid or 2 maybe
you:i just had to say it
vinnie:and it's noted now
you:that's the point vin
vinnie:you are so sassy!
you:i do my best
vinnie:come on let's go to sleep
you:okay let's go
we lay down and drift off to sleep
word count:400

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