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vinnie:it's nessa
you:answer it
vinnie:i know nessa i'm sorry
vinnie:no it's not like that i just-
vinnie:no i haven't talked to josh
vinnie:No nessa stop

You:what happened
vinnie:nessa and josh are joining our rivals
vinnie calls over bryce and noah
you:so what are we going to do
noah:So josh made up his mind
vinnie:yep and we need someone to replace him
bryce:What about Ryland
vinnie:yeah i'll call him
vinnie leaves the room
noah:I didn't think they would get this mad
you:i didn't either
bryce:no one did
you:wait who are our rivals?
bryce:the golden troops
you:but aren't we the gold mafia or sum
bryce:our full name is the golden dragon mafia
you:oh okay
vinnie:Okay so ryland is flying out right now.
i walk over the the huge window
you:the golden troops are here.
bryce:you probably have them mistaken
you:are you sure because they are wearing shirts that say "golden troops" and i see josh and nessa!
they rush to the window
bryce:how are we going to get out
noah:i don't have any ideas
then vinnies phone rings
unknown number
he puts in on speaker
?:We are here.
vinnie:we know.
?:we only want the girl hand her over and no one gets hurt
vinnie:No can do
?:We will get her
vinnie hangs up
you:what did i do
bryce:hello did you forget you are a carter??
you:well now what
vinnie:they are still outside looking around bryce take ava noah stay here with me
vinnie:bryce remember the emergency place i need you to take her to the cottage
noah:this can take one day or a week
vinnie kisses me
vinnie:i love you now go
you:no i cant just leave
bryce drags you to the emergency exit and you guys are now on the roof
you:bryce this is insane
bryce:just come
he takes me to a car and we zoom out of there
you:where are we going
bryce:to a secret cottage
you:where is it
bryce:30 min away
you:and what about them
bryce:ava we are the mafia we have a plan and besides once they come back we all have to stay there for a few days
you:noah said it can take a week?
bryce:they will either be done today or a week there is no inbetween
about 30 min later we get there
bryce:okay we are here
he grabs me and we go inside
bryce:this is your room
bryce:i'll make food
he leaves the room
I look around and find a picture of me?
we sit down
you:bryce why was their a picture of me in the room?
bryce:because vinnie is dating you?
you:but vinnie hasn't been here since i've met him
bryce:look it's best you don't ask questions okay?
i have to find out the truth.
you:do you know when they are coming
you:then text them!
bryce:if they did get caught and we text them then they can know our location and that won't be happening
you:you know what i'm done i'm going to bed so goodnight
i look i'm the closest and everything is my size? weird
anyway i pick out some shorts and a hoodie I then fall asleep
word count:622

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