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I wake up and stay in the same clothes i go to wake up bryce
you:any news
bryce.No i'm guessing it's going to take a week
you:we still have today to wait so we shall wait
bryce:yeah yeah let me sleep
i leave the room and go to search my room
after a while i find a note that's written all about me?
it says everything about me stuff i've never ever told anyone
bryce:comes running out but i'm aready gone and out the door i hid behind some bushes and bryce calls someone
vinnie pov:
Me and noah finished the work but we decided to wait in the hotel room for a while
then my phone rings
bryce:Vinnie she's gone she found it
vinnie:The paper
vinnie:i made it very clear to get rid of it
bryce:i didnt think she would find it!
vinnie:okay i will call her and get it resolved.
i call ava
vinnie:Ava listen bryce told me
ava:vinnie wtf is that!
vinnie:listen meet up with me at this address can we talk
i hang up and go to the place
ava pov:
i go meet up with vinnie
vinnie:listen when we found out you were going to have to live with me we did a whole study on you
you:but vinnie there's stuff on there i have never told anyone
vinnie:are you forgetting we are trained for this?
you:no but.
vinnie:don't push it leave things how they are okay?
he hugs me
you:so how did it go?
vinnie:it went fine it was a lot of work but we figured it out noah and bryce are on there way to there house wanna go home?
you:yes please
we go home and i shower and change into his hoodie and sweatpants i then eat fruit and go back upstairs
you:my birthday is soon
vinnie:i know i aready have something planned
you:vin i don't feel good
vinnie:what's wrong
you:my head hurts and my stomach and-
vinnie:come lay down
i lay down and lay my head on his chest
you:My head wont stop hurting
vinnie:are you-
you:yes vin i just need sleep
vinnie:okay go to sleep
i sleep and wake up at 1am vinnie is still sleeping.
i go to get water and fall on my way there next thing i know everything is black
when i wake up i'm in the hospital vinnie looks like he hasn't slept.
vinnie:omg ava you are awake
vinnie:you feel on your way to get water i don't know how
you:oh okay
vinnie:i'm going to get the doctor
you:yes please
doctor:okay so we did have to perform surgery so that means no running no active things for a few days no tight clothes she can leave her house but she needs to be careful
doctor:and no being sexually active or drinking 
you:for about how many days?
doctor:today and tomorrow
vinnie helps me to the car and we drive home when i get home i change into a hoodie and sweatpants
you:can we watch a movie?
we go downstairs and cuddle while picking out a movie
vinnie:what should we watch?
he puts it on and drifts of the sleep pretty quickly
after 20 minutes i fall asleep too only to be awakened by the door
vinnie:stay here i'll get it
noah:nice to see you too
you laugh and vinnie comes back to you
bryce:we got you a balloon
you:that says "get well"
you:guys i'm not sick
noah:but are you pregnant.......
you:no i'm still a virgin!!!!
bryce:why you have vinnie
you:i am waiting for marriage
noah:but what if vinnie wants to?
vinnie:guys shut up 😂
you:his fault for not proposing
all there eyes go big
i get really tired all of a sudden so i rest my head on vinnie then fall asleep
word count:722

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