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I wake up and change into this

then i wake vinnie up and go downstairs i cook this up

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then i wake vinnie up and go downstairs i cook this up

then i call vinnie down you:VINNIEvinnie:COMINGhe come downstairs and we sit to eatvinnie:wanna go shopping?you:YESvinnie:okay let's finish eating you:so tomorrow what time do we leave?vinnie:6:00you:okayvinnie:let's go shopping now!you:yaywe get ...

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then i call vinnie down
he come downstairs and we sit to eat
vinnie:wanna go shopping?
vinnie:okay let's finish eating
you:so tomorrow what time do we leave?
vinnie:let's go shopping now!
we get into the car and decide to go get new shoes
you:omggg look at these

then i call vinnie down you:VINNIEvinnie:COMINGhe come downstairs and we sit to eatvinnie:wanna go shopping?you:YESvinnie:okay let's finish eating you:so tomorrow what time do we leave?vinnie:6:00you:okayvinnie:let's go shopping now!you:yaywe get ...

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vinnie:let's get them for you
(vinnie also bought a pair)
you:thanks vin!
vinnie:where do you wanna go?
we go to Starbucks and i get a pink drink and vinnie gets a strawberry açaí refresher. we get a table
vinnie:so tomorrow if screaming happens if shots are fired i don't want you to get scared just stay relaxed as long as you don't talk without getting talked to you should be fine
you:okay i'm kinda scared
vinnie:whatever you do don't leave my side
vinnie:let's go pack
we go home and pack our bags
you:where will we be staying?
vinnie:i got us a hotel it's next to bryces and noah's
you:do noah and bryce have girlfriends
vinnie:yep Addison and Dixie they are in the mafia too
you:oh are the coming
vinnie:it's a limited amount of people
you:oh okay
vinnie:are you all packed
vinnie:i'll put the bags downstairs
damn i've really fallen for him but i'm scared for tomorrow i hope nothing happens
i go down and see noah and bryce
you:hey guys
vinnie:let's sit at the table
we all sit
vinnie:so while we are there we will have certain rules
vinnie:Stay in your hotel room at night
vinnie:ava do not and i mean don't you dare leave our side
noah:we know these people and what they are capable of
vinnie:the girls and boys are not your friends this goes for everyone yes we are all in agreement but we do not interact with them understand?
bryce you and noah:yes
vinnie:and finally No disrespectfulness i won't be dealing with it
vinnie:okay you guys can go
they leave
you:let's eat something
you guys have dinner you guys sit down and eat
you:so i'm kinda scared but-
vinnie:don't be
you:i know and i'm trying to calm myself down
vinnie:hey you will be fine
you:yes you are right
after we eat we wash the dishes and go to sleep

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