Story Time! The Beginning

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"Now where do I begin" Joker pondered, wondering where to start his tale.

"How about the beginning". Tsukauchi spoke with curiosity, wanting to hear how Izuku Midoriya became this clown look alike now dubbed Joker.

Joker looked at the detective, his smile growing, "that does seem like a good place to start now doesn't it!"

Laughter followed the comment as Jokrr composed himself, "alright. It all started around 13 years ago..."

Flashback 13 years:

"Mommy mommy wake up wake up!"

We see a boy around 4 years old with forest green hair and eyes jumping on a bed. The boy stopped and looked at the mound of blankets and pillows to hear a groan underneath it.

"Uuuggghh". A women could be seen coming out of the pile, her hair and eyes a matching forest green to the young boys. Drowsiness could be seen on her face.

A yawn escapes from her as she says, "Do you know what time it is Izuku?" The mother sits up to looks at her son, whose eyes are as wide as saucers.

"Yeah I do but its today mommy! My quirk test!" The boy spoke excitedly as he started to bounce up and down again. All the boys mother could do is smile and giggle slightly at her son's antics.

"Alright mister I need to get dressed." The young mother stated, "Why dont you go and get yourself some cereal."

Ths young boy nodded hastily as he ran out of the room. The mother of this boy, Inko Midoriya, wife of Hisashi Midoriya, was just your run of the mill housewife. She cooked and cleaned for her son while her husband worked abroad, providing for the family. Overall, a life she was content with.

As she finished changing she walked out of her room to see Izuku eating cereal at their kitchen table. The two lived an apartment that most people would see as small, but for them is was just right. She walked into the kitchen getting a bowl for herself as well and sat down. The two ate in a comfortable silence across from one another. Eventually as the day went on the two wound up in the waiting room at the doctors office.

Throughout the day Izuku had grown more and more excited about the doctors appointment, and now it was here! Izuku could barely contain himself or his thoughts.

'Oh my goodness! I'm so excited! I wonder what my quirk will be like? I wonder if Kaachan will like it? I wonder-'


The boys thoughts were interrupted my a nurse calling their name.

"Dr. Garachi is ready to see you now!"

Inko nodded to the nurse and ushered along Izuke who looked like he was about to burst with excitement. The three walked into a room when the nurse went to go get the Dr. The mother son duo waited for 10 minutes talking to each other, mostly inko trying to calm Izuku down, when the doctor came into the room.

"Good morning Midoriya family."

Izuku turned to see a small roundish man with a big bushy moustache, wearing strampunk style goggles.

"I'll be your quirk doctor today, you may call me Dr. Garachi."

The doctor spoke calmly as he looked up from his clipboard. Izuku at this point was just about to burst at the seams, while his mother greeted the doctor. The doctor sat down, took some blood from the young man, running it through the many quick tests he had created. Besides being quirkless himself, Doctor Garachi was a highly renowned quirk scientist he seemed to know a lot about quirks, too much, I wonder why?

Although the results from both tests suprised the doctor greatly. 'Hmmmm, the tests say hes quirkless but there are signs of quirk genes' the doctor thought to himself. 'Like his quirk has some requirements to unlock'

The boy looked excitedly at the doctor, asking with his eyes if the tests were done. The doctor only sighed as he turned in his chair toward the family, Inko noticed this and got worried.

"Is everything ok Doctor" Inko spoke with a worried tone fearing something bad happened.

"I am afraid not Mrs. Midoriya" the doctor started, "this boy has all the physical requirements for a quirk, he even has active quirk genes but-"

"But what doctor" the doctor looked down to see little Izuku looking at him with a worried look. Garachi sighed again as he told the boy the news.

"Like I said, he has active quirk genes but no sign of an actual quirk. I'm sorry to say but Izuku Midoriya is quirkless"

There was silence for a moment, then a soft sniffling could be heard from the small boy. The doctor looked down to see the boy fighting the urge to cry. The doctor then did something he doesnt normally do, he got down on a knee and put a hand on the boys shoulder. The boy looked up at the doctor who wore a sad expression.

"I know you feel son" ths doctor started sadly "I'm quirkless as well" an audible gasp came from the boy, but the doctor wasn't finished.

"Now because of this you will face hardship after hardship, more hardship than anyone around you." The doctors voice growing more inspirational with every word. "But don't let these hardships stop you from your dream, you can be anything if you try hard enough, even a hero"

The boy heard this and stopped slouching and gave the doctor a determined nod, tears still rolling down his face, as a nurse arrived to pull the doctor away for another patient. The speech left a sour taste in his mouth, taking a mental note to tell his master of the boys unknown dormant quirk later.

The Midoriya family left the hospital, mother worrying about son. Izuku did not look happy, nor look sad, no. He looked determined. Determined to following his dream of becoming a hero, he just needs to make it through the hardships like the doctor said. Although a normal mother would be happy with there child like this, Inko worried. She knows the dangers of hero work and is afriad for her child. For her Izuku. Izuku however, had an entirely different mindset than his mother.

'Just because I'm quirkless doesnt mean I cant become a hero.' The young boy thought to himself. These words repeating throughout his mind until another thought popped into his head.

'I wonder how Kaachan will react'

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