Final Story Time! The USJ

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This is the final chapter of what I like to call: The Story Time arc. After this I might start the other story, those being the Killer Instinct story, or the Noob Saibot story. Please cast a vote for what one you want.

Or if you don't want to, just comment hello! I'll be sure to respond to ya. Now onto the final Story Time.

"Do you have any information on this Shigaraki character then." The detective had found the leader of a villain group very easily. One good thing to come from this 'interrogation'.

"Oh Handsy~" Joker started while laughing. "He's just a big man child, no discipline. Just a big crusty baby!"

Tsukauchi hastily wrote this information down as Joker was speaking,  he needed as much of it as he could get. "Is there anything else you know?"

Jokers smile turned serious as he got close to the detective. "He has powerfully allies" joker said quietly, "Do not underestimate him." This serious tone scared the detective. "Well my Story is almost over, let's get on with it! Shall we~"

Flashback to A couple days ago

It had been many months since Joker and Jester decided to join the League of Villains. During this time their gang of followers grew into great numbers. People in the underground circle flocked to the two teens after hearing their goals and convictions. And if anyone didn't like it, let's just say they had a smile leaving Joker and Jesters hideout.  While in a bodybag.

Besides that the two had gathered quite the arsenal. Ochako had found a giant mallet like hammer she grew fond of, and with her quirk, she could wield it dangerously well. Izuku however took a different approach, he wielded playing cards made of light sharp metal alloy that could kill very easily. He also favors a 6 round revolver, with a little Joker twist, Ochako had come to love knives as her other weapon.

Along with their main weapons, their group had produced many interesting gadgets for them. Gas tanks to help Joker spread and collect his gas, a putty gun that no one knew what it could do to a human. Even a pogo stick with destructive capability, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. From explosive playing cards to toy guns, these two had it all.

Today the two were walking around the bar that Shigaraki had set up shop in, analyzing every detail of the main room. Along with a strange looking screen, that read "audio only".

"Curiouser and curiouser." Joker said to himself quietly while staring at the screen. He had always wondered what was on the other side of it, but he was patient, believing that he would find out eventually.

Sitting down at the bar he leaves himself to his thoughts, thinking about far from normal things. Eventually Ochako joined him, and much later Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"Alright crazies" started Shigaraki, he was not to fond of the two clown look alike teens but he needed their resources. "We have a plan to attack the heros."

This piqued Joker and Jesters interest as they looked at him curiously. "And what may that be?" Joker asked softly, still staring at the screen

"We'll attack UA's rescue simulation and kill All Might and any students that may get in the way."

"And how do you plan to do that?" This time it was Jester who spoke, looking at the hand wearing man like he has 4 heads.

"Well heres where we start..."

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