A Start of a Long Story

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Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi was not having a good day today. UA's rescue training facility, the USJ, was attacked with both pro-heros 13 and Eraserhead critically injured. The students would have been hurt if it wasn't for All-Might defeating the villains and the bioengineered anomaly the leader of the villains called "Nomu".

Because of this, most of the villains were captured but two escaped, the leader known only by Tomura Shigaraki, and a purple man of mist named Kurogiri. The villains captured were mostly low level thugs off the street, except for two individuals.

Tsukauchi sighed to himself walking down a hall of the police station, on his way to interrogate one of these two interesting individuals. As he was walking down the hall he saw two officers standing outside the room of  the person he was meant to interrogate.

"Dude did you get a good look at the crazy in there?" The officer spoke lightly, seemingly unfazed by this so called crazy, the other officer on the other hand, looked more petrified than the other.

"Yeah, he's crazy alright, looks like a clown straight out of my nightmares."

"And dont get me started on that laughing!"

The first chuckled calmly about the "crazy" inside the room as Tsukauchi walked by them. Giving the two a nod as he reached for the handle of the door.

"Detective wait!"

Tsukauchi turned around to see the petrified officer looking at him with worry written all over his face.

"Please be careful, dont let him get to you"

The detective nodded and gave a small smile to these kind words as he turned around and opened the door into the room. Closing the door behind him, the detective was met with a boy no younger than 17, skin as pale as a ghost, hair and eyes as green as leaves, with his hair going down past his shoulders while sticking up every which way. But the most defying factor about this boy was his smile. The boys smile went ear to ear, giving the grinch a run for his money. It gave the detective shivers down his spine.

The boy turned to look at the detective enter the room, his smile somehow growing larger than before while giving a slight chuckle for no reason at all.

"Well well well, look what fortune brought me this fine evening!"

The boys voice was horse and scratchy to the detective, his smile never wavering while he spoke.

"My name is detective Nomasa Tsukauchi and I'd like to ask you a few questions"

The boy laughed aloud, "oooooo, I love this game! Let me guess, you're a plum, nononono, a stool, noooo that cant be right either."

After a moment of the thinking the boys eyes lit up like a Christmas tree,  "Oh I know, you're a bat!!!"

Cackaling laughter could be heard throughout and after his sentence, but the detective sat down unfazed.

"Well we can first start with your name"

The boy looked at the detective and frowned "oh you're no fun."

"Well what's your name?"

The boy turned quickly towards the detective, his smiling growing slightly. The detective remained unflinching.

"Fine I'll play along, my name is Izuku Midoriya, but that name is dead to me so you can call me, JOKER!"

Howling laughter ensued after the introduction, 'what's with this guy' was the only thing going through the detectives mind. So he decided to push onwards with the questioning.

"Alright, Joker, why did you invade the USJ? And why do you want to kill All-Might?"

The boy raised an eyebrow, "Oh me and my friend aren't after All-Might" Joker replied smugly, giving a closed mouth grin.

"Then what are you after?"

The boy looked at the detective, his grin turning into a crazed smile. "Well.." the boys started, "we invaded to get the person that did this to us..."

INSANE giggling followed as he showed his skin and smile to the detective. "And to put a PERMANENT smile on his face!"

Loud laughter filled the room with the detective pondering, 'we? That means theres another like him around here?' The detective decided to ask about the 'we' next.

"Alright" the detective responded, "who's we?"

A snort came from the boy, "well the only other person like me!"

The detective prior to this interrogation, had yet to see either of these two individuals due to a case in Okinawa. When he arrived at the scene of the USJ all the villains had been thrown into cars and hauled off to separate precincts to be interrogated. But he did know a teenage boy and girl were brought to the precinct he was in. The detective nodded to the boy, keeping a mental note to interrogate the other person as well.

The detective kept asking questions, and Joker kept answering them, usually followed by hysterical laughter and greater smiles, untill one question seemed to effect him differently.

"Now let's adress the elephant in the room" the detective started. The boy turned, curious to what he was going to ask because, let's be honest, there was a lot more than just A elephant in the room.

"What turned you into, well, you?" The boy seemed to go numb at this question. The smile fading from his face. The look in his eyes softened, and turned sad as he looked at the detective.

"You really want to know?" The boy asked this quietly and monotone. The detective nodded silently. The boy looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Then looked back at the detective quickly, the crazed look and smile returning.

"Alright I'll tell you my tale" the boy said, "Oooo I just love Story time"

The boys words were followed by more laughter. 'This is going to be a long night' the detective thought not knowing the story that was about to unfold.

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