Story Time! Schools Out

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Hello all, for the story vote I'm gonna wait a little to get some more opinions on it before I decide. So be on the watch for that, and to the consistant readers, Thank you for reading the story it means a lot. Now Onto the Chapter!

"Wait? You said you acquired a quirk, what is it?" The detective was still curious about this mystery quirk the boy held. Mostly because he didn't mention it in the last chapter, it's totally not because the author forgot and was tired. No, not that at all.

"Patience detective~" the boy sang with a smirk, "you'll ruin the story if you're that impatient."

Tsukauchi glared at the boy for that comment, which only spurred laughter from him. Joker was making Tsukauchi mentally jump through hoops while trying to read him. With someone of this crazy, it was hard to tell what they are really feeling.

"But none to worry, we'll get to my quirk very soon!" Joker said as he cackled. The laughter was getting more than annoying at this rate, and the detective was not having it. He just simply sighed as he let the crazy man continue his story.

Flashback 1 Year Ago

The two teens were in the hospital for two more weeks, the doctors wanted to make sure that their bodies were perfectly normal before releasing them. It turns out that the acid had slightly burned their pain receptors, which in turn causes them to feel less pain.

The whole time in hospital they managed to keep the fact that they were crazy under raps, apart from the occasional insane giggle. At night however they spent their time scheming revenge on those who wronged them, especially one Katsuki Bakugo. For both of them, the acid caused something in their minds to snap when it came to the blond boy, accompanied by a sudden and violent urge to beat the boy dead with a lead pipe. (Name the reference, and win a cookie!) All while cuddling with each other on one of their cots.

Their plans were something a certain principal would be impressed with, multiple back up plans and contingencys all following one main goal. To make society smile.

Their way.

Which may or may not involve murder. More murder. With a dash of icecream.

Anyways the two had to leave the hospital together, but had to leave to go to their respective homes. Unlike in their comas, their health was no longer affected by them staying together. What was effected however, was their sanity.

The further they grew apart, the harder it was to contain the random urges to kill, but luckily their parents were an anchor to their sanity. When they were together, it could go one of two ways. One, they would bring back what little sanity they had left in eachother. Or two, they would bring out the insanity in eachother, snuffing out any sane or rational thinking instead replace it with craze and madness.

But that's besides the point, what is important however is that the two are set to go back to school. And oh boy was their plan was about to unfold.

The morning of their day back, Izuku woke up early. Due to his appearance his mother was giving him an option to wear a copious amount of make up to school to avoid bullying. But Izuku refused, saying that "I dont need make up mom, I want them all to see the new me."

As he got up he sent a message to Ochako saying it was time. The twos plan consisted of then changing to schedule of the day, to put all their enemies in the same room. After all, they didnt want to kill the entire student body. Their enemies would end up in the principals office at the end of the day. Which included the principal himself, the teachers that purposely ignored the crys of Izuku and Ochako when they were beaten, the ones that joined in the beatings, and also Bakugos two goons.

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