𝑶𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 (5)

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I was having a late breakfast which was more like lunch considering the number of side dishes in front of me and the fact that it could easily fill the stomach of two adults when Nana asked me smiling, "So? How's the food?"

"It's delicious. After all, it's your recipe. But I don't think I can finish it all." I answered after swallowing the food in my mouth.

Nana wasn't just a good cook. She was the best. I wasn't not saying it because I was enamoured with her. It was a fact.

She loved cooking and was skilled in household chores. She used to say that she wanted to be a housewife, the best there is. So that when we get married, I would come home running after work.

My lovely Nana would welcome me in a home that used to be forever empty. Just the thought of it was pure bliss.
I remember after hearing that I fell in love with her all over again.

Then why did our beautiful life turn so tragic?

"I'm sorry, I always cooked for three people. You, me and Ojii-chan. So I messed up the amount when I told you the recipes. But you followed my instructions really well!" Nana's cheerful voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You think so? I think I was pretty clumsy." I said and continued eating my food.

It was way better than my usual cooking but couldn't compare to Nana's.

"Say Kou-chan, the weather's nice today. So where are you going?" She asked gazing at the sky out of the window.

"..? Nowhere?" I said thinking why I need to go out.

"Hah?! But it's Sunday! You need to go out and have fun!" She said with a look as if I was being absurd.

"I won't go out if I don't need to," I answered plain and simple.

Having my fill, I started to gather the dishes from the table.

"Eh? You were never a homebody. You don't hang out with your friends? I thought high schoolers went out with friends often." Nana tilted her head and asked placing a finger on her chin.

Was it unusual of me to find her every action so adorable?

"Who knows? They might go. I'm not sure since I don't have friends." I said and stood up to take the plates to the sink.

Nana followed me to the kitchen continuing the conversation, "Why don't you have friends? You're such a nice guy!"

While washing the plates, I told her, "I'm only nice to you. Others probably think I'm antisocial or the like."

"No way! That's far from the truth." She raised her voice.

I finished the washing and started to place the plates on the dish rack while mumbling, "Maybe it's nearer to the truth than you think."

I wasn't sure if she heard me as she didn't give any reply to this.

After that, I brewed some tea and sat in front of the TV turning it on. Was there something good going on? I kept changing channels while sipping the tea.

Nana had been oddly quiet. Did she disappear again?

I glanced around to see Nana sitting in a formal position with a thoughtful look. She used to sit like this whenever she was lost in deep thought. She said it helped her think.

I wondered what she was thinking about.

I had also been wondering about another thing.

That was, Nana might not be just a part of my imagination.
I had reasons to believe so no matter how preposterous it sounded. Because even though I had watched Nana cook, I never knew her recipes. But the detailed description which she gave me for making my breakfast this morning implied otherwise....

Could it be? Nana, you.....

"Kou-chan." Nana's calm voice brought me back to reality.

Nana had this look as if she just gained resolve. She looked straight into my eyes and said in a determined tone, "Kou-chan, I'm done procrastinating. Let's have the conversation we've both been avoiding. Shall we take a stroll outside on this pleasant day?" She finished with a smile and got up.

I gulped at her seriousness.
I felt as if I didn't have the choice to refuse and so I switched off the TV, stood up and trailed behind her as she headed outside.

I had a bad premonition. I feared what awaited me.


*Ojii-chan- Grandpa                      

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