How to beat the shit out of a ghost

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      I was sleeping and quite enjoying not having nightmares for once but a noise that sounded like talking and throwing woke me up. I, at first, passed it off as my brother but then realized that there were no lights on and unlike me my brother can not see in the dark.

      I get up although reluctantly from my bed. I open my door and turn on the bathroom light so I can see the person that woke me from my restful slumber.

        " ones here go back to sleep" I don't recognize the voice and no one in my family has that accent.

         I walk back into my room and grab the play hockey stick so I can have some defense against the potential crooks in my house. I grip on to the hockey sticks handle and take a breath to steady my breathing.

    "Who are and how did you get into my house" there was some shuffling as I realized there were two beings here not one.

        "Wait you can see us?" one of the voices asked

"Yes" I answered quite quickly. "Well slick, you're just dreaming so go back to your bed and I don't know forget this happened?"

         I griped my hockey stick as I lowered it and walked up to the smaller figure which I could now see was a bed sheet with vans and a party hat. After looking it directly in it's eyes I grabbed my hockey stick and hit it hard. It yelped in surprise and stumbled back. I cocked (hehe cock) my eyebrow and made a 'hpm' noise as I quite cockily said "I thought you couldn't hit ghosts."

        Both of the specters looked at me with disbelief as I said that. Well it was easy to see my parents didn't know they were here as my house has alarm systems and one was floating.

       "Well could ya not tell your parents we're here can't be caught and everything" I nodded "But what are your names?" They both looked at each other and chuckled nervously "It's kinda hard to tell you but, um, you can call me Bj" the taller floating ghost said "And you can can me Pliss slick" the shorter ghost said with enthusiasm.

      "Well my names Sam nice to met you two even though you kinda broke into my house" I said "but I gotta go to sleep I have to go to friends house and I don't wanna be tired, night." 

        I turned on my heel as walked back to my room turning the bathroom lights off but before I went in my room to get some sleep I said one last thing. 

         "Oh and Pliss, Bj, there are snacks in the pantry but don't eat all of them." I continued to go back my room placing the hockey stick I had in my hands down and crawling lazily back into bed. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.


          I slowly started to wake up. I had a good nights rest with my insomnia and nightmares not interrupting may sleep. I got out of my and walked to the door of my room. I stoped when I noticed a note on the door which read:

  "Dear Sam,

Me and Bj thank you for letting us have your snacks they were really good :). I hope you and your friend have a good day together. Also if you ever feel lonely just think of us and we'll be there.

                                                                       The ghosts you met last night, 

                                                                                                         Bj and Pliss :)"                                                                  

     I smiled knowing that I brightened someone's day/night. I continued with my day but I felt that I would have more run ins with those two ghosts.

(Lol I should be asleep it's 12:37 haha anyways I'll give this an update every so often but expect any thing crazy :0) also DooPliss and Beetle man give me life)

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