Nail Head cannon :0)

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What they do to their nails/quality of their nails :0)


-takes really good care of his nails and is really good at checking up on his nails

-paints them with clear and sometimes black nail polish


-where should I even start with this mf he doesn't do shit with his nails

-he has cat nails so if you want to tackle his nails yourself you have to use pet nail clippers 

-scratches his nails on things to file them down like a cat (yes that includes people)

-doesn't know what nail polish is lol

Beetle juice:

-has mold underneath his finger nails (ew)

-cuts them so he can eat the nail clippings 

-Lydia paints his nails sometimes and he trys really hard not to mess it up 


-doesn't have nails lol


-surprisingly takes somewhat good care of his nails

-paints them black because Sanford and Deimos convinced him to

-will kill you if you say anything about the nail polish


-bites his nails lol other then that he takes really good care of them

-paints his nails but his favorite colors are green, purple, and black


-very short finger nails like to the point to where it's uncomfortable to look at 

-doesn't paint his nails but Deimos constantly trys to get him to


-would probably be the one to try and get Tricky to take care of his nails

-paints his nails with black and red 

-has very well taken care of nails

King boo:

-doesn't have finger nails but would take good care of them if he had them

-would paint his nails purple, blue, and sometimes green (if ya know ya know)

Stanley Ipkiss:

-bites his nails doesn't really take care of them but cuts them when he needs to

-clear nail polish hopes no one notices (the mask will sometimes change his clear nail polish into black and if the mask were to paint his nails it would be yellow and green)

That's all I might add to this it was fun to talk about finger nails lol

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