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Chrissy Costanza.

**Months Later**

Well, tour is over. It was so much fun. We got to go to new places. Meet a lot of fans. It was just the best. Its all thanks to Five Seconds of Summer.

It was so amazing, we also got to meet some of the members of Green Day and Vanilla Ice. Wow. My life is awesome.

Nobody knows about Michael and I, I feel bad for lying to Dan and Will. I'll tell them soon. Just when we're ready to tell everyone.

"Michael," I whine.

"Chrissy," he mocks me.

"I think we should tell the guys."

"What? Are you sure?" he questions.

"I'm ready to tell them. I can't keep this from Dan and Will anymore."

"Alright, let's do it," Michael kisses me. I smile and get up. Going out the door and downstairs. Michael following behind me.

"Guys!" I yell.

They all turn to Michael and I.

"Hey guys, um we have to tell you something!" I exclaim.

"What is it?" Dan asks.

I already regret coming down here, I can't tell them all at once. What if they hate me after I tell them.

"We-" I cut Michael off.

"We thought if you guys wanted to go out tonight or something?" I didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, sure!" Ash said.

"So Michael," Cal started, "There's this girl that I set you up with on a date."

"You what?!" Michael says, sternly.

"I set you up on a date, her name is Lauren, from Fifth Harmony."

I stood quiet. "I don't wanna go to this date," Michael said.

"Well you have to, why are you seeing someone?" I looked at Michael. He took the note for him not to say anything.

"No," he lied.

"So then why don't you wanna go on this date. She's beautiful and funny and awesome," Cal said.

"Alright fine. Just to shut you up," Michael said.

I ran to my room, faking that I was getting a call. I lock myself in my room.

"How could I be so stupid?! I should've just told them!" I tell myself.

I hear and knock on the door, "Babe?" Its Michael. The last person I would want to see right now.

"Leave me alone, Michael."

"But, let me talk to you."

"I don't want you to talk to me right now," I was crying into my pillow at this point.

I heard the door unlock, fuck. Why did he have to be so smart and go get the key?

"Chrissy, I don't want to go on that date," Michael said.

"Whatever, you agreed to it," My face in my pillow.

"Come on, you know I only love you and I thought we were gonna tell the guys."

"Well there's nothing to tell them anymore. I can't keep hiding this from everyone. I think its best we start seeing other people," I pick my head up from my pillow.

"What?" Michael asks.

"We're done Michael, I love you. I just can't keep doing this. Dan, Will and I are going back to New York anyway, in a few weeks."

"Don't do this to me Chrissy," Michael tears. I give him a kiss, which will be our last.

"I love you, Michael."

"So why are you breaking up with me?"

"Because we've been lying to everyone. And I can't just tell everyone that I've been lying to them. I'm not like that."

"Alright, fine. Whatever you want," Michael storms out the room. I'm left crying and can't deal with what just happened.

I haven't left my room the rest of the day. It was seven o'clock and it was time for Michael to go on that date with Lauren.

Fuck him. Fuck Lauren. I hope he has fun. I know I won't.


Chapter twelve. Aww nooo. 😭

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