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Chrissy Costanza.

All I remember was Michael with that girl. How could he? I thought he loved me. I guess not. Its all my fault anyway.

I don't know what happened after I yelled at him. I can only remember falling to the ground.

I'm in the hospital. But why? I'm fine there's nothing wrong with me! I knew coming to Austraila was a bad idea. Thanks Dan.

"Chrissy? Are you awake?" I hear Dan's voice.

"Yeah, been up for a while now," I say.

"How you feeling?"

"I have a big pain in my stomach," I groan.

"Danny what's going on?" I sit up.

"I'll let the doctor tell you," Dan goes and get the doctor.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on with me!?" I yell.

The doctor comes in.

"Doctor please tell me what's going on," I beg.

"Ms.Costanza, right?" I nod, "Okay, well you had an asthma attack. And we found that there was something in your uterus. Have you had your period?" She asks me.

"Um yeah," I ask, clearly confused.

"Okay, well Chrissy, you are pregnant," the doctor tells me.

I look at her, then Dan. I start to cry.

"What? No, I can't- I can't be pregnant!" I put my hands on my stomach, "This has to be a joke!"

"This is no joke. We are 100% serious," she tells me.

"This baby is mine? ITS MICHAEL'S BABY!?" I cry some more.

"You're not happy?" Dan asks.


"He won't find out then. Will and I will help you with this baby," Dan takes my hand.

"Thank you, Danny. Doctor, please do not let Michael find out about this."

"Michael as in the father?"

"Yes. Michael the one who has red hair, who is probably outside wanting to see me."

"Okay. I won't let him find out anything," she says.

"Thank you so much," I wipe my tears.

Michael Clifford.

"Dude! I have to go see her," I cried.

Nobody was letting me see Chrissy. It is killing me.


"Michael please calm down," Luke says.

"Sir, you need to lower you voice," a nurse said.

"But I need to go see the love of my life!"

"Michael if you were patient they would let you see her," Luke said.

"Yeah. You can go in now, if you want to," the lady said.

"THANK YOU!" I ran down the hall to Chrissy's room. Luke following behind me.

When I walk in I see her. Connected to those machines. This is all my fault. This is literally tearing my heart seeing her like this.

She has her eyes closed, what happened to her?

"Doctor what happened to her?"

"She had an asthma attack, we don't know when she will wake up."

Asthma? Wake up? What?



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