066- "Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!"

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"Again, rules are simple. The match goes until one of you dies or admits defeat. When it is determined that there is a winner, the match can be stopped, but that's my decision."

Gaara began snickering almost psychotically.

Sasuke eyes narrowed.


In the crowd Kakashi finally joins the teams sitting next to each other.

"Yo Guy! You too, Lee..." he waved. "Is your body alright?"

"Ah Kakashi," Guy grinned.

"Huh? Kakashi Sensei!?" Sakura looked over.

"I'm sorry, You must've been worried. Sorry for not contacting you at all..." he nervously laughed again.

Oh no Sakura's gonna get really mad...Ino leered at her.

She was about to say something and then she noticed Y/n near the railings watching from afar. "I don't really mind that." Y/n made me realize something...I've been focusing on my own emotions and not considering everyone else's. I'm sure they were really busy in training and had no time.

"Y/n what are you doing up here," Kakashi patted her head.

"I want to see what you guys have been up to,
If training really payed off," she says in a more serious tone.

"Oh...you seem to be upset a little...is something the matter?" He leaned on the railing beside her.

"I got in a little fight with Sakura. I guess we don't see eye to eye on certain things. She's so love struck on Sasuke that she doesn't even think rationally, I called her pathetic," Y/n explained.

"Well...you are not wrong, better choice of words would have been good. But you have to understand that we all think and act differently, especially to the ones we care about most, it's a complexity of the mind that many don't know how to express," he says.

"I want to be stronger Kakashi Sensei, you asked me about my goals the first day we met...and I told you I want to be the best shinobi in the world who saves everyone...I can't reach it if I can't even defeat sandman down there," she groaned.

"Work hard Y/n, and stay focus on achieving that goal. I'll guarantee you'll do it," He gave a close-eyed smile.

"I feel bad cause part of me wants him to lose, to prove his not better than me, but I can't bare to watch him get hurt...not anyone at that matter."

"It's just your competitive side," he laughed. His fond of you and you don't even know it, man my team is one big complex mess.

"Kakashi Sensei..." she muttered.

"Hmm?" He leaned over.

"You know about that mark on his neck don't you, is that why you decided to train with him instead of me?" She finally made contact with him.

He stared at her quite subtle.

"I'm right am I?" She says.

He subconsciously looked away, "No need to worry."

That news made Sakura a little happy, she quickly nodded and finally felt at ease.

I know his not telling the full truth, his heart rate tells it all. "Good answer," Y/n smirked.

"That that's...she definitely seems to acting strangely." Kakashi sighed, he then looked around and counted eight members of the Anbu Black ops in that spacious area they were at.

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