Chapter 10: Baby Roseanne

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I'm home alone since my parents are out with their business partners. But it's all good since I want to be alone tonight. To think about some stuff. It's confusing me, this thing going on with Jisoo. One moment we're okay then the next minute we're arguing. And don't get me wrong, but I find her mind so honest. And the way she can read me like a fucking book. How she described my painting, it felt like she understands me but at the same time she doesn't.

I groan in annoyance and walk inside my art studio. My dad built me this studio because according to my parents I used to draw a lot on the wall when I was a child, and our helpers get so tired of cleaning all my mess so he thought of building me this not-so-small studio for me to do all my crafts here.

I grabbed the canvas at the corner and put it on the easel. I walked to the table where my brushes are and sat down, taking a deep breath before I started painting.

I was in the middle of my painting when I heard a knock, so I paused what I was doing and walked to the door. No one's allowed to enter in this room except for me, so even though I'm lazy to walk I had no choice.

I opened the door and my mom's beautiful face greeted me. "Mom!" I said.

"Baby!" Mom hugged me and I kissed her cheek "I heard you haven't eaten your dinner yet?" She asked. My eyes widen at the mention of dinner.

"It's dinner already?" I asked still in shock.

"Yes hun," she said chuckling "You should shower and come down. Dad's waiting downstairs," she said. I nodded and she walkout.

I walk out of my studio and showered. Walking downstairs, I heard my parent's voices in the kitchen. I quickly entered the kitchen, greeting my dad with a kissed on his cheek and sat down in front of my mom.

"How was your day, bub?" Dad asked me and sipped on his drink.

"It was okay dad. Nothing new," I said

"I told you to join us honey" my mom butted in and smiled at me

"Eh, I'm not in the mood mom. Besides, I also need to finish some of my homework." I answered.

"Working hard, I see. Just take it easy my darling, okay?" dad chuckle and I rolled my eyes.

"No, dad. I just want to finish it early." my parents laughed and so did I.

I'm the only child. Growing up, I never got to experience everything with a sibling. Like, talk about love life or sneak out to drive around and party. I never shared the things I have with a sibling. That's why I treat my friends as my siblings because I never had one.

After dinner, I said goodnight to my parents and walked back to the studio to continue where I left off. I didn't notice the time but then I looked at the clock and its already midnight when I finished. I stood up and admired my work with a satisfied smile.

The next morning, wifey and I decided to go out shopping. Irene and Sehun are on their way here to the mall. We're at the Chanel store and Jennie's waiting for the assistant to come back. I think she ordered another limited-edition bag.

"Hubby did my twin talk to you?" She asked while looking at the display bags.

"Hmmm" I hummed "Yeah, she did, why?" I asked.

"She apologized then?" She added.

"No, she didn't. We just talked about the paintings at the school's art gallery." I told her

"Painting?" She asked confused.

"She was at the museum, looking around."

"What was she doing there?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I didn't ask her." I told her. The assistant came back with the bag Jennie wanted and she quickly paid for it. We met with the others and like always, we hung out at Sehun's apartment.

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