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Chapter 7: Follow-up to the Kiss, Passion Grows Wilder (1)

He Han’s breath blew against Ye Fan’s shoulder, and she could feel the warmth clear on her skin, but for some reason, it felt ice cold.

The two of them were so close that Ye Fan did not dare to move, so her body remained frozen.

He Han’s cold gaze was gradually lowered.

His lips stopped right above Ye Fan’s shoulder, only an inch away, but did not advance from beginning to end.

At this moment, the people searching for them had already arrived. They looked into the alley with alert eyes.

From their angle, all they could see was He Han who was leaning against a wall, and there seemed to be a woman in his arms.

The two of them looked extremely close.

They looked at each other, and, knowing that they were just a pair of lovebirds, left without any doubts.

At this amorous moment, a voice sounded out.

“Cut! Very good.” The director was very satisfied with the performance of the two earlier. They were able to present the feeling he wanted completely.

He Han’s lips left Ye Fan immediately and his dangerous aura disappeared. Ye Fan sighed.

At the same time, she stepped to the side, making some distance between her and He Han.

With a straight face, she pulled up her clothes and covered her exposed shoulders.

Neither He Han nor Ye Fan looked at each other, and their line of sight never intersected.

This was the only scene Ye Fan had with He Han today. After this was done, Ye Fan was allowed to go home.

Before leaving, Ye Fan glanced at He Han.

He was still wearing the military uniform on that tall body of his. His jaw was taut and his thin lips were curved in the slightest, most precious arc.

He Han was a very dedicated man. No matter what production he was participating in, he would always complete it flawlessly.

There had been actresses in the past who wanted to get close to him during filming, but they all lost that thought when faced with He Han’s cold attitude.

So, even though He Han had been filming with so many actresses, nobody had heard of any scandals coming from him.

Ye Fan’s feelings were complicated. How could the world ever find out that He Han actually had a son?

The relationship between He Han and the original Ye Fan was not described in detail inside the book, so Ye Fan wasn’t sure about it either. She only knew that she and He Han had a child after that fateful night.

In her mind, Ye Fan thought that the relationship between the two of them were merely accidental, and they were no different from strangers.

She had already signed the contract, so she had to complete this job. By the time this is over, She’ll leave the crew and have no more contact with He Han whatsoever.

Ye Fan bought a lot of ingredients from the market yesterday, and they were all kept in the refrigerator.

She also checked online for recipes. She’ll have to start simple before she can slowly improve in the future.

When Ye Fan entered the kitchen with an apron around her waist, Dudu followed as well. With his short little legs, he tottled right behind her.

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