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Daily Life of a Villain’s Mother - Chapter 103

Dudu’s birthday is coming. It is his third birthday. Dudu has never celebrated his birthday before, so Mrs. He would like to have a good birthday party.

But Dudu ’s identity is special, they chose the venue for the banquet in He Zhai.

On her birthday, Ye Fan came out from the crew. As soon as she stepped out, fans around him started calling Ye Fan’s name.

They knew Ye Fan was in the crew of “Life is Like Fireworks,” so they kept outside the film and television city, thinking that if Ye Fan finished filming, they would see her.

“Ye Fan, Ye Fan look here.” The fan held the name card.

The weather was very cold, and the temperature had already dropped to below zero, but it did not reduce the enthusiasm of the fans. They kept outside without complaining, just to see Ye Fan.

Ye Fan stepped forward, instead of sitting in the car immediately, he walked towards the fans.

“I’m ready to go home now, and everyone should go home, it’s too cold recently.” Ye Fan frowned slightly, urging everyone to go home.

Fans looked at Ye Fan with a smile on their faces, without any hardship.

“Don’t you say you’re studying for a postgraduate entrance examination? You won’t go home so late.” Ye Fan ordered one of the fans mixed in.

As long as fans talk to Ye Fan, Ye Fan will almost always remember their news.

The schoolgirl stuck her tongue out, a little embarrassed: “I must read a good book tomorrow and come back in a few days.”

Ye Fan smiled: “Everyone wait a moment, I invite you to drink a cup of milk tea.”

There is a milk tea shop not far away. Ye Fan asked every fan to drink a hot cup of milk tea before she got into the nanny car.

As soon as Ye Fan got into the car, his eyes fell on a box next to the seat.

Ye Fan had a smile under his eyes, his eyes and eyes softened. A few days ago, Ye Fan ordered a pair of children’s roller skates in the mall, and the assistant helped her pick them up.

Ye Fan imagined Dudu wearing roller skates, sliding forward awkwardly, and He Han followed, they should all be happy.

Ye Fan’s sight fell out of the window of the car, the car was driving smoothly, crossing the prosperous streets, pedestrians coming and going, and the noise was loud.

Soon, the car stopped downstairs in Ye Fan’s house. Instead of picking up the prepared gift, she hid in the back seat of her car.

Ye Fan sat on the elevator and went upstairs, tooting that Ye Fan was going home today and was already waiting for Ye Fan.

Du Du, the hero of the birthday feast, Ye Fan dressed him up. Ye Fan replaced Dudu with the red sweater sent by Mrs. He.

Dudu’s eyebrows are delicate, and her skin is very white, just like a little Fuwa coming out of the New Year’s painting.

Ye Fan held Dudu and kissed a few mouthfuls: “Let’s go to Grandma Zeng’s house.”

Dudu waved his arms happily, his eyes shining.

He Zhai.

Mrs. He arranged the home early, and the whole house was hung with all kinds of children’s favorite things, showing warmth everywhere.

“Did Dudu’s birthday cake come?” The old lady He hurried in a hurry.

Mrs. He checked the items needed for the evening birthday party one by one. She searched for a long time and found no cake.

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