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Chapter 31: Exchanged Identities (2)

If the Tang family’s biological daughter came knocking on her door, what should she do?

Tang Jin had completely forgotten that she was in the middle of acting right now. She did not look at the camera, and her eyes were filled with unease.

At this moment, the director shouted again. “Stop!”

The director had always been good to Tang Jin because of the Tang family’s strong influence. But for Tang Jin to make one mistake after another, his tone still turned slightly harsher.

“Tang Jin, why didn’t you look at the camera earlier? What happened to you today?”

After going through these scenes, Tang Jin was long feeling burnt out. Currently, her face was pale and she did not speak.

Her agent tried to smooth things out. “Tang Jin did not rest well today, maybe we can push this scene for later.”

Tang Jin returned to her seat and Agent Li came over to ask with concern. “Are you not feeling well today?”

But Tang Jin could only smile.

She turned her head around and met Ye Fan’s gaze.

Ye Fan looked calm, but her eyes looked like it could see through everything. It was unsettling.

After a moment, Tang Jin was just barely able to recover and finished the scene. Tang Jin received a great blow to her mood, so she immediately left the set as soon as filming was over.

The scene earlier was Ye Fan’s very last scene. Before leaving, she called out to Song Man. Before this, it was Song Man who helped stand up for her when the other background actors were talking badly about her.

Ye Fan was going to leave the crew, so she didn’t know when would be the next time she would be able to see Song Man again. So, she decided to invite her out for a meal.

Song Man couldn’t shrug off Ye Fan’s kindness. She thought about it and said, “Let me bring you to a nice shop.”

The two of them left the set together and headed to the street nearby. There were many small shops on the street, and it was dusk right now so the number of people on the streets increased.

Ye Fan had never come here before so Song Man introduced the place to her. “This is where our extras group tend to frequent for food.”

“I’ll bring you to a nice shop where the food is good and really affordable. The boss there is really nice too.”

The two of them entered the shop and found a seat. Song Man recommended two types of noodles to Song Man.

Song Man said, “I used to work here in the past.”

Ye Fan looked up at her.

Song Man smiled. “For actresses like me, it’s hard to find work. So, for survival’s sake, I needed to earn some money.”

Ye Fan thought about it and comforted her, “Oftentimes, it’s just the opportunity we lack. If you keep it up, I believe your efforts won’t be wasted.”

Ye Fan had seen Song Man act. Her acting skills were pretty good, and she was very serious with work. Ye Fan appreciated people like that.

Song Man’s responded with some envy, “It’s been tough for you too. But since you landed an actual role, you really can say you’ve made it now.”

“Have you thought about your plans after this?”

Ye Fan shook her head. “Not yet. But if I make up my mind, then I’ll definitely stick to it.”

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