Let's Write a Short Story

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I found a little courage to write this, I simmered in the sun I sat back in a chair,
I practice my patience, and just as a spice of fun, how happy is the little stone that rambles down the street all alone by itself, won’t it be lonely I ask myself, as the trees blow, my hair blows with it, I got off my chair and pick up the stone as I cross the road where there was no car, it was just empty until I see a stray cat or so I thought and I see dogs chase the cat, I didn’t know what to do, so I took action to help the cat, as the dogs were running off I slowly make my way to the cat and took my hand out, as I picked up the cat I realized it was the cat of my neighbor, she had lost her cat for days so I went to my friends’ house, and gave her the cat named dolly, she thanked me and I went to my chair I was sitting on.

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