(Piya's POV)
I finally reached the canteen. Misha and Maya were waiting for me. They were with three other girls.
"Piya, what took you so long?"
"Nothing, I just bumped into someone in the hallway."
"Piya, let me introduce you to some other friends of mine."
"This is Ruhi." She waved with a big smile.
"...and Panchi, my dearest sister"
"Hi." She shook my hand.
".....and this is Alina."
"It's about time I got a new friend."
Alina smiled.
"Nice to meet all of you. I think you've all met Maya already."
"Yep, and you two don't seem like cousins at all." Ruhi said.
"Yeah, we get that a lot." I said.
We talked with our new found friends until we had to leave for our first class. Misha and I had the same first class together, so we left the canteen together.
People were rushing about in the hallways.
We reached the classroom, and Misha took me to her desk.
"Finally I have a desk buddy! I hate sitting alone."
I stared at the door, trying to register faces. Abhay walked in as well. Good. Another person I can talk too. He gave me a small smile and walked to his seat.
"Piya, first day and you're already drooling over someone. Snap out of it."
She tried to see who I was looking at, then a teasing smirk appeared on her face.
"Ohhhhh, so you're staring at Abhay. He suits you. You two are too quiet."
"He doesn't seem quiet to me. He's the one I bumped into in the hallway earlier. We talked too."
"I think someone likes him." She nudged me.
"No Misha, don't be silly."
The bell rang a couple minutes later. The teacher came and started class. She also introduced me to the others. Then someone burst into the room.
"Ma'am, you didn't wait for me."
I looked up after getting back to my seat. The girl standing there was the same girl that made fun of us before we got here. I wanted to punch her as much as Maya did. She was so rude and sassy.
"Tanushree, get to your seat. This is your last warning. Get here on time or leave my class!"
"Fine, if dad wasn't the trustee of this college, you people would have thrown me out onto the streets already."
She rolled her eyes and went to her seat. Great. She sat behind me and Misha. The teacher began her lecture. I leaned over to ask Misha about Tanushree.
"Is she always like this?"
"100 percent. And don't call her Tanushree. She likes to be called T."
"I don't like her. Maya asked her for a lift this morning and she made fun of us."
"She loves to bully others and run after cute and rich guys. And you know what I like to do? Pull pranks on her." She winked.
I smiled and went back to write down the notes on the board. The bell rang an hour later. Everyone filed out of the classroom within seconds. The day went along fast. More lectures, notes, T getting in trouble, and Misha teasing me. We all met at the canteen after our last class.
"Guess what day it is guys!"
"What?" Panchi said, confused.
"It's time to prank T today!"
"Who's T?"
"Maya, T is the girl that made fun of us when we asked her for a lift this morning."
"No one likes her here, so it's always fun to prank her."
"What's your plan today, Misha?" Ruhi said.
Misha huddled us in and told us the plan. It wasn't a bad idea. T will get a taste of her own medicine. She was in the canteen with a bunch of her followers. She had a large soda with a straw in her hand.
"T, can we please get something to eat. We're starving!!
"Fine, go stuff your faces like the pigs you are!"
Wow, she was way worse than rude. Misha and Alina went over to her and tried to distract her.
"Wow T! You look gorgeous today. Can we take some snaps of you?"
"Why are you two nerds complementing me today? Got nothing better to do?"
"No, I need pictures for the yearbook, for the best dressed category." Alina said.
"Ok.....take the photos."
"Wait...it's too dark in here. Lets go out in the sun, the pics will turn out better."
She groaned and walked off with them. Panchi, Ruhi, Maya, and I walked into the canteen and brought out the superglue. Everyone else there was laughing and giving us a thumbs up, even T's followers. Abhay was there too, but all he was interested in was looking at me. Then Maya took the superglue and rubbed it onto to the end of the straw.
"Finally I can get back at that Miss I'm the best." She smirked.
"Guys lets leave quickly." Panchi ushered us out.
The trio came back in at that moment. T went back to her table and reached straight for her drink. Misha and Alina ran back out and joined us.
"Wait for it."
T took a sip of her drink, and put the glass down. Now the straw was stuck to her lips. We shared high fives as she tried to get it off. She was red in anger and embarrassment. We ran away from there quickly, out into the parking area.
"Well that was fun. I even got some pics of her." Maya said.
"That's what I'm like, the greatest prankster at this college." Misha said proudly.
"Ok, I think we should be heading home now. I have lots of work to do." Panchi said.
"Ok bye guys." Maya and I left from there.
We decided to walk home, mostly because my scooter needed repairs and we didn't have another ride.
"Piya, we should have asked Misha for a ride again. My feet hurt really bad."
"Deal with it. We're almost home."It was a quiet road, that too next to a jungle. It was peaceful and soothing. We got home fifteen minutes later. Maya went inside and fell onto the sofa.
"Finally some relief. You better get your scooter fixed or else..."
"Kaka left it by the nearby garage, so it will be fixed by tomorrow morning."
"I'm going into the forest nearby for a walk, want to come with?"
"MORE walking! No, my feet are killing me. You can go."
I changed into sweatpants and a tank top and headed out into the forest. I always loved I take a walk when I couldn't sleep. It was relaxing. There was a slight breeze in the distance. The tree leaves swayed along with it. I heard something move. I turned around to see blue eyes watching me attentively. They vanished as I moved closer. Was someone here? I went on to investigate.
"Is anyone there?" I yelled into the darkness.
No response. I then saw something twinkling in the darkness. I went over to pick it up and played with it in my hands. It was a bracelet, a men's bracelet. The initials AR were engraved onto it. I slipped it into my pocket.

Always and Forever (Abhiya Fanfiction)
FanfictionBringing back my first Abhiya FF to Wattpad!!!! Read it as many times as you like! Relive Abhay and Piya's epic love story in a new guise. Show: Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek Kahaani