Chapter 16

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(Piya's POV)

I took a small shovel with me to the park. it was early in the morning. It was raining outside so not that many people were present. The wind tried to blow my umbrella away.

"That oak tree....there it is." I was standing a couple feet away from it.

I circled the area and found the fountain. I walked straight to the tree and began digging. Only dirt. I had almost dug a foot down.

"There's nothing here...." I checked to make sure I was digging in the right spot.

The rain fell harder...which made it harder to dig. The mud kept sliding in the hole again. I was just about to give up when I hit something hard.

"Finally...." I quickened my pace.

I unearthed an old book. It looked very ancient, but was in good condition. The cover was intricately designed. What was it?

I flipped though the pages. They were all blank. Odd. I took the book home. I needed to look though it better.

(Abhay's POV)

I wanted to see Piya and check on her. She could be attacked again. I had to protect her. I took my bike and headed for her house.

(Piya's POV)

I quickly freshened up and changed. I locked the door. I took the book carefully in my hands and opened it to the first page. It was blank. I looked at the inside cover. There was a small piece of paper stuck underneath. I carefully pulled it out and began reading.

"Piya...I had left you with no memory of what you are. But now is the time to tell you. You are a witch....destined to become one of the strongest. The book I am giving you is my spell book. You must have noticed that the pages are blank. Each spell you master will unlock the next. You will grow stronger as you master each. But be careful. Someone who was once close to you wants your power. He wants to take it for himself. Steer clear of his path. Unfortunately, I can't tell you who he is. My blessing are always with you. I love you Piya...." It was signed "your mother."

I stuffed the note back into the book. The first page slowly filled with words. I watched them closely. It was the first spell. Feeling extremely stressed, I fell down on my bed and stuck my face on my pillow. My life had changed so much in the last few days. I couldn't handle it. It all came too fast. I pulled the covers over my head and took a small nap.

I woke up to someone's knocking on the door. I looked at my clock. It was 4 pm.

"Piya! Open the door." Maya......

"Coming!" I yelled.

I opened the door. Maya was standing there with a mischievous smile on her face. With Abhay.

"Seems like you two can't stay without each other for a single day." She giggled.

"Stop it Maya."

"I'll leave you two love birds alone." She skipped away.

"Come in Abhay." I said.

"'re okay right?"

"Yeah...I'm fine."

"They could come back to harm you again. I need to protect you."

"Nothing will happen Abhay. You don't need to do that."

"I do need to. And you can't stop me." He grabbed my arms and pulled me close. My pulse quickened.


"I can't afford to lose you. You brought light into this monster's dark life."

I stared into his eyes. They were filled with concern. I didn't say anything. He loosened his grip on me.

"I'll be back later. If anything goes wrong...I'll be there."

He left the room. I saw a new side of him today....a possessive side. My heartbeat raced just thinking about him. I peeked outside from my window and saw him leave on his bike.

(An hour later..)

I went back to my room after talking to Maya for a while. I looked at the book sitting on my bed. I wanted to test my powers. I opened it up to the first spell and began reading.

"This is the most basic spell a witch can perform. Mastering it can allow you to levitate objects with ease."

Underneath was the actual spell. I read it over a couple of times....eventually memorizing it. I looked around the room.

"What should I try this on?"

I finally settled for my pillow...something light. I placed it in front of me and concentrated, simultaneously chanting the spell. I raised my hands around it.

The pillow began rising in the air. I was amazed. I broke my concentration and watched the pillow fall down onto the bed.

"Welcome to your new reality Piya." I said, still amazed.

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