Chapter 2

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Akihito was brimming with anger and hate towards the men that mean to take his mother and sister away.  He already dealt with two of the intruders swiftly and mercilessly and while making his way towards the remaining men, a low rumbling could be heard coming from him through the force. Before he left, he directed his mother and little sister towards a closet they rarely used so it was a perfect place to hide Whilst making his way to deal with them, he felt something solid in his hand. Coming out of his rage heated moment he saw that he was wielding his old lightsaber.

Akihito:'What? My old lightsaber, how is it here?' he thought before gripping it tightly and activating it. He continued making his way until he saw the three individuals outside the front door. The assassins immediately went into a defensive stance when they saw a crimson light growing brighter and brighter until they saw the boy.

Assassin 1:"You there boy! Where is that whore of a mother of yours?! You and your little sister will die when we get our hands on her!"

Assassin 2:"Maybe we can have some fun with the woman before we take her to our master. Let's get this over with and kill the boy and girl."

Two of the three men charged him, expecting an easy kill. He closed his eyes and brought his saber in a horizontal position, he then opened his eyes and decapitated the enemy. "Worthless!" He said aloud as he turned and set his eyes on the final man. Akihito reached out with the force and picked up the intruder making him drop his katana, now confused and scared the intruder started questioning Akihito.

Assassin 1:"What are you!? Who are you!? Let me go you vile abomination! You don't know what you're doing!"

Akihito:"I know very well what I'm doing and that's killing you imbeciles for trespassing in my home. Threatening me and my family, WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THAT I'M AN ABOMINATION WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL TWO KIDS AND RAPE THEIR MOTHER BEFORE TAKING HER TO YOUR SO-CALLED MASTER!?" Akihito's anger grew and grew until his armor started to take form around his body with him not realizing it. The man started to take notice and his fear skyrocketed, he first saw a 10 year-old boy but now he's seeing the boy grow and grow and some sort of armor taking place around his body. Those eyes of him penetrated the intruders soul with such hatred and fury that he now regreted saying all of those things to Akihito.


Akihito, now Vader, started to bring the intruder close to him. When he was close enough he probed his mind to find who sent him. While looking through the man's memories he saw an old man, the old man wearing a traditional Japanese outfit and on that outfit was a symbol that of the same symbol his mother has in the house. Finally having the information he has, Akihito lifted the man with his right arm and snapped his neck completely breaking it and killing him instantly. "For that old man to send these failures to kill someone in his own clan, such foolishness." Vader thought before hearing footsteps behind him, acting upon reflex he turned around and grabbed someone by the throat lifting them.

Akeno:"Mama!!! Stop it!!! Let her go!" She cried as she hit the armored man.

Shuri:"ack!...please Akeno...stop.."

Vader, upon hearing his mother and little sister, dropped his mother while backing up and snapping out of his rage. Having looked at them both with his mother gripping at her throat and Akeno rushing to her to help her, he calmed down and reverted back to himself. Shuri couldn't believe what she saw and neither did Akeno as both saw the armored man shrink and the armor disappear into a black mist, the man was none other than Akihito.

Akihito:"Mother! I'm sorry! I didn't know, I was consumed by my anger I'm sorry please I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it...I didn't mean..." He was crying uncontrollably as he almost killed his second mother, he didn't want to feel the same pain he felt, he didn't want to suffer anymore, he wanted to protect not hurt her. "They were sent by our clan head to kill us and take you back, mother. I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening." Akihito explained to his mother as he stopped crying a bit.

Shuri:"NO! I won't let you, I can't let you go by yourself doing something so dangerous! The Himejima clan is not something you can deal with personally! They are powerful in all of Japan it's dangerous!" She explained before her son and all he could reply back to her was,"So be it." Shuri paled at what her son was saying, she didn't want him to go get himself killed but before she could say anything back, Akihito held up his hand to stop her.

Akihito:"Mother, let me protect you and Akeno."

Akihito:"For now we need to leave so please hurry and get your things before we leave. I'll stand guard and make sure no-one comes through so please hurry." He gestured for her to go inside and bring necessary items but before she did Akeno asked her brother a question.

Akeno:"Nii-chan what do you mean you've killed people?"

Akihito forgot she was beside their mother the whole time and cursed himself for telling his mother some of the things in his past. His mother overheard her question and was also quite curious as to what he meant, however Akihito answered her question

Akihito:"Akeno, that's a story for another time and when your older. I know you also have questions of your own mother but please wait until we leave town for now get your things so we can make our way out of here."

Welp I do hope this chapter turned out a bit decent so please let me know what you guys think. As to how will Akeno join Rias in her peerage, I already thought that up since Shuri didn't die. Y/N will do anything it takes to protect his new family since he was given a new chance at life. Any questions, just comment and I'll respond.

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