Chapter 21

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"Hm? What's this?"

Something soft and fur-like stroked his nose causing him to awake. He found a child with cat ears sitting top of him. The small girl beared a close resemblance to his mother, Shuri.

Girl: "Papa...I'm hungry..."

"Papa? W-what, who are you kid?"


"Why are you crying!? Where's your mom and dad?"

"Papa, you made her cry..." Another child appeared but this one was a boy, closely resembling himself but without the cat ears.

"Again, I'm not your 'papa'. You must have me confused with someone else."

Boy:"You are our father though, you probably hit your head too hard last night. Mother said she'll be home soon so don't worry too much. I'll take Luna and feed her, c'mon."

Luna:"I don't want to go with you, Leo! I want papa!" The little girl latched onto her father refusing to go, all the while, still crying her little heart out.

???:"I'm home!" Another voice from the front door called out.

The little girl's ears perked up, quickly jumping off her father and heading straight to the voice. Leo and the man watched Luna's emotions do a roundabout.

"Who's that?"

Leo:"What? How could you forget mother?"

"Mother!? I'm married?"

Leo:"I don't know what happened to you, father but rest assured. Mother should know what's wrong with you. I'll go fetch her." Off the little boy went.

Akihito looked around his surroundings. Pictures of him and his old family next to pictures of his new family. This woman though, he's never met anyone that looked like her.

???:"Darling? What's wrong? The kids are telling me you've been acting funny."

Akihito spun around to find the most beautiful woman he's ever laid his eyes upon.

"I-I'm married to y-you?"

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"I-I'm married to y-you?"

???:"Goodness, they weren't kidding. Sit down."

"I'm fine, I don't ne-."

???:"SIT!" She commanded. He did just as he was told. Whoever this woman was, she had no problem with ordering him around.

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