Chapter 4

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Timeskip 3 years,
Akihito, Shuri, and Akeno all decided to settle in a small town between Kyoto and Nagoya. During their time of peace and quiet, Akihito kept eyes out for any potential signs of danger toward his mother and sister as well as enroll in a local school alongside Akeno.

Akihito & Akeno:"We're home mother/mama!"

Akihito and Akeno were both enrolled in a local school as to progress on their education per their mother's request. Shuri meanwhile stayed home attending the house and missing her husband from time to time. She occasionally thinks about him even though Akihito harbors great hatred toward his father for his lack of care and love towards his family. Akihito may have been a feared man before but now he would've never left his family incase something bad would've happened, Shuri knew this because of the past life he had gone through. She wishes that once they meet again that he could reconcile with his father but it would be a tough endeavor. Akeno, too, hated her father for the same reason as well as hated being half-fallen half-human. Akihito didn't care much about that as it didn't impact him as much.

Akihito:"Still can't father off of your mind? I can see it on your face mother, you're not hiding it."

Shuri:"Ah sorry about that A-kun but yes I'm still thinking of him. When you meet again be sure to forgive him, both you and Akeno understood?" She asked them but to her surprise Akeno answered her question. "No! I won't forgive him and neither will Nii-chan. Like he said, that man abandoned us and you almost died protecting me! He can rot for all I care!" Akeno yelled before running to her room.

Shuri:"Is it really that hard to forgive him? I can understand the incident but must you two hate him that much?"

Akihito:"Mom you have to understand that I almost lost my second family. I would've been devastated as well as probably lost my mind once again nothing is more important to me than your safety as well as Akeno. I will say this, for you, I will make an exception and try to forgive him but the same cannot be said for her. Now I gotta go and see if I can try to cheer her up, please don't push yourself to hard mom."

Shuri:"Thank you Akihito, at least forgive your father and make sure to convince Akeno too. I love you all so much and I don't wish to see my family torn apart." She replied back before giving her son a warm hug.

Akihito:"I will go and deal with Akeno, mother. Don't worry about her." He told her. They both let go of each other as he then made his way up to her room.

Akihito:"Akeno, if it's about father, you know you will have to forgive him sooner or later."

Akeno:"I know but I still don't want to forgive him for hardly ever coming home." She explained. The two chatted with each other for a while with the door only blocking the two siblings. Akihito sitting on the floor next to her door and Akeno on the other side doing the same.

Akihito:"Hey do you want to head out somewhere to get your mind off things for a bit?" He asked. No immediate response came with the door opening up just a little, allowing him to see Akeno nodding her head.

Akihito:"Great, c'mon we'll let mother know before we leave."

They both went downstairs and told their mother they were heading out. They left the house and walked around hand in hand as Akeno asked before they left. They both made their way to an ice-cream shop, local arcade(where he usually goes), and then stopped at a park as Akihito needed to use the public bathroom.

Akihito:"Hey, I need to head to the restroom real quick stay here alright?" Akeno replied with a headnod to her brother as he left her on a bench. Unbeknownst to them a survivor of the Himejima Clan tracked them down to where they live and followed the two here so he can avenge his massacred clan. He slowly made his way up to Akeno and covered her mouth before dragging her away into a wooded area in the park. The survivor stopped dragging her away as he deemed it safe to start his revenge. He bound her arms and legs to prevent her from resisting the torture he thought up.

Survivor: "Alright you abomination tell me where the hell your brother is before I carve you up! He destroyed everything that I once knew all because of some fucking vendetta! Now tell me where is he!" He yelled at her but she couldn't speak as she was to terrified to think straight. He pointed the katana towards her left eye and was about to dive it in when all of a sudden somebody spoke.

???:"Sir if I were you I would stop that before I have to resort to killing you." The man spoke to them. The survivor nearly jumped from his britches when he heard that and turned around quickly with his katana.

Survivor:"Who the hell are you! If I were you I'd run before I kill you!"

Sirzechs:"Ah my apologizes where are my manners, my name is Sirzechs Gremory and you, survivor of the Himejima Clan, are in no way capable of killing me. Besides I have come for the girl not you, she holds great potential for becoming my sisters queen." He stated while looking at the terrified Akeno. "She is of great import to my little sister because of her abilities. Now step aside before you do anything you might regret." Sirzechs said as he started making his way towards them but before he could the survivor made his way to him trying to slash him. "Ah well this sucks, I told you will regret it but regardless...." Sirzechs fired a small shot of magic towards the man vaporizing him. "Now then young one what's your name?"

Akeno:"Akeno... Himejima Akeno.. sir." She replied too terrified because of what she saw. Sirzechs saw this and made his way towards her to unbind her of her bonds.

Sirzechs:"Is that so? That's a pretty name Akeno but like I've said you hold great power in you and I wish to make you a queen in my sisters peerage." He then went on to explain how the peerage system works and how he knew she was half fallen half human surprising her at the very least. "Now then what do you say? Will you serve?" Sirzechs knew she had great power in her because he could feel a big enough aura radiating off of her but wondered why she didn't use it. 'Perhaps she's still untrained on how to use her power.' He thought.

Akeno:"Will that make me stronger? I wish to get stronger to protect my mother and free my older brother of this burden he's carrying. I feel like dead weight when he's protecting us both and I don't want him to get hurt in any way." She replied. Sirzechs was surprised by the answer and wish to know more but for now he settled with a simple, "yes it will." Happy with the reply, Akeno immediately said yes and took on a queen piece that Sirzechs was carrying on him to start his sister's peerage.

Sirzechs:" Now little Akeno do you and your brother attend school here?"

Akeno:"Yes why?"

Sirzechs:"Well in a couple of years I wish for both you and your older brother to come to Kuoh academy. I'll make it coed so he can join as well. When you arrive there you'll meet my sister, Rias. She's not hard to miss she literally has the same red hair I have. Now I must go before anyway can see me, I'll bring back this body and lock him up in hell, now go Akeno. "

Akeno:"Okay! I'll let my mom and brother know and I look forward to meeting her Sirzechs-san!" She replied as he smiled before leaving through a summoning circle. Akeno then left and went back to her spot on the bench but not before finding her worried brother. "Nii-chan!" He snapped his head so fast in that direction to see her running towards him. He felt distressed, upset, and angry that she didn't listen to him.

Akihito:" Akeno where the hell were you!? I've been looking for you when I told you to stay damnit!" He was mad that she failed a simple task. She saw noticed this and a yellow-orange color change in his eyes and stopped before looking down at her feet before he started making his way and embraced her in a tight hug. "Please just listen next time, I'm not sure what mother and I would do if you were to go missing please just listen to me." He started shaking and she felt this happen so Akeno just held her brother before explaining to him that she wished to go to Kuoh academy in a couple of years. He was surprised that she wanted to go to such a prestigious school but didn't argue with her. "Alright well we shall see what we can do for you to get accepted."

Akeno:"Don't worry about it Nii-chan, I have somebody vouch for me to get in later. You can also come too since they'll make it coed during that time too." She stated as he was first confused but nonetheless accepted it. They then started making their way home hand in hand once again to end they day.

This was probably a crappy way of making her a devil but like I've said I wanted Shuri to live. But dang the chapters are getting longer and longer which is a good thing in all honesty, you guys can enjoy it. Next chapter will be the main storyline, Akihito/Vader will make his appearance once again in the fight against Raynare. As Emperor Palps once said,"Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate show no mercy."

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