ꕥ Part 1 ꕥ

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♡︎«——»♡︎3rd person POV♡︎«——»♡︎

It was all down to the last goal. The score was 6-6 and one team had to win.
Quackity had the rugby ball and was running as fast as he could. Techno and Wilbur was chasing him. Techno was sure that he and Wilbur would get the rugby ball back but then Quackity quickly past the ball to Sapnap and scored a point for there team. The sbi family lost while the feral boys have won.
Tommy was shocked that the two best players and his team didn't catch Quackity. Tubbo was confused how they didn't win. Wilbur and Jack want to through hands and fight someone while Ranboo walked towards Techno who was just staring with a blank face at the opposite team.

"Are u alright Techno?" Ranboo asked as he put a hand on Techno's shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh I guess. Let's go back to the locker room. I don't want to be near these people anymore," Techno said as he started to walk back. The rest of the Sbi followed Ranboo and Techno back to the locker room.

☮︎︎«———»☮︎︎Dream's POV ☮︎︎«———»☮︎︎

I saw Techno's team walk back to there locker room. I don't know why but something didn't seem right. It almost seemed like there team was upset about losing. I kinda felt bad but ignored the feeling. 'I could just ask Techno when I get home' I mumbled before Sapnap jumped onto me. I lost balance and fell onto the ground with Sapnap. He was really happy because are team won.

"You were amazing dream! And that pass Quackity, it gave me chills!" George said with happiness.

"I know it was AMAZING!!" Quackity shouted.

"Boys! Bad wants to see you lot. He's in your locker room waiting!" Hanna shouted.
Puffy, Hanna, Alyssa and Drista (my annoying sister) were the cheerleaders of are team but they acted like the leaders when Badboyhalo wasn't here.
Callahan helped me get to my feet and gave my a thumbs up which meant good work. Callahan didn't like talking in front of a lot of people so most of the time he did sign language. When me and Sapnap were back on are feet, my team slowly walked back to the locker room while the crowd was cheering at us all because we won.

When we got to locker room everyone was exhausted. Me, Callahan and George sat on the bench what was actually quite comfortable. Sapnap and Quackity sat on the floor while Punz and Karl leaned against two lockers. Are Captain (Badboyhalo) was standing and looking at the boys who seemed to be falling asleep.

"Everyone was incredibly out there! Your next match against the Sbi Family will be in 4 weeks. Take lots of rest! When you lot are back and full of energy, we can start practicing again. Now...everyone go take a shower, change and then you lot can go home," Badboyhalo explained. Bad soon left the room and my team did exactly what he said.

♧︎«——»♧Techno POV ♧︎«——»♧

When I got to the locker room, I sat down on the floor thinking where I made the mistake and let the other team win.
Tommy laid down on the floor while Tubbo, Ranboo and Jack sat on the bench. Wilbur stood next to the Captain of are team. His name was Philza.

"I'm sorry... if I had seen Sapnap was there we would have won," I said, breaking the silence.

"It doesn't matter if are team lost or won..at least you had fun. Are next match against the feral boys will be in 4 weeks. We can start practicing again in 2 or 3 weeks so that means u have 1 or 2 weeks off," Philza exclaimed.

"UGH what's the point!! There just gonna win!" Tommy shouted.

"Maybe but we can try??" Ranboo replied to Tommy.

"Before everyone starts arguing please go have showers and change. Then meet me outside so all of you can go home," Philza said before he left the room.

"Hey techno?" Wilbur asked quietly to me.

"Hm?" I said back.

"When u get home ask dream question about how he won and what's his team learning," Wilbur whispered.

"Ok I will," I whispered back as I took of my trainers.

♡︎«——»♡︎3rd person POV♡︎«——»♡︎
♡︎«———»♡︎Time skip ♡︎«———»♡︎

Techno and Jack where the last people to leave the locker room. Jack is usually the first person to leave but he lost one of his socks and Tommy and Tubbo took his shoes. Techno was always last because he had the key to the locker room and Philza always said he was the most responsible to unlock and lock the locker room door.
As Jack and Technoblade were walking towards the exit to meet Phil and the others, they see the feral boys and a group of 5 girls with them.They where probably just fan girls.

"Oh hello number 11 and 4!" Karl shouted at Techno and Jack. They were confused why Karl said that to them and then remember on there rugby outfits Techno was number 11 and Jack was 4.

"Umm hi I guess?" Techno spoke. Jack just stayed quiet.

"Hey techno, wanna walk home together?" Dream replied back to techno.

"No I'm walking with Wilbur," Techno said as he started to walk back.

"ShEeEeEeEeEeEsH!!" Jack shouted before he followed Techno to the exit.

☮︎︎«———»☮︎︎Dream's POV ☮︎︎«———»☮︎︎

"Aw there all upset because they lost a simple game," Sapnap teased.

"Oh shush Sap! I bet if they won you would be rolling on the floor crying," I told him as George and Karl stared to laugh at the comment I made.

Sapnap was about to reply to what I said but Drista interrupted him and shouted,"Are u lot gonna just stand there like idiots or are u gonna go outside so BBH can let you go home?!"

"Can we stand here like idiots?" Quackity said with a big grin on his face.

"Hmmmm...NO!" Drista replied and then started walking towards the exit. My team slowly started to follow her to the exit to meet bad. As I was walking I thought how strange Techno was acting. Is it because he didn't win? Did I do something to him? Did he get a bad grade in English? I soon was snapped out my thoughts as I walked into a lamppost outside. OW!

"BAHABH are u ok dream?" George said trying not to laugh.

"Of course he's not ok, he just walked into a fucking lamppost!" Sapnap shouted

"LANGUAGE!!" BBH shouted at Sapnap

"Yeah I'm ok thanks for asking," I told George.

Badboyhalo said everyone's names to make sure no one was missing or lost in the building. After he did, he allowed everyone to go home. Karl,Quackity, Sapnap, badboyhalo and Punz walked back to the university because they all had dorm rooms there. Me, George and Callahan didn't have dorm rooms yet so we got a bus home.

♧︎«——»♧Techno POV ♧︎«——»♧︎

When I got outside, I handed the key to Phil and then he said everyone's names. Everyone was here so he allowed us to all go home. Tommy, Tubbo, Jack and Wilbur had dorm rooms but me, Ranboo and Philza didn't so we had to take a bus.

I sat next to the window. Ranboo sat beside me and Philza stood up like if he was are dad. I saw Dream, George and Callahan get on the bus and went to sit straight at the back. I was lucky I was sitting at the front of the bus.I was about to go to sleep but then I felt the bus start moving so I stayed awake.

At the first stop Ranboo got of the bus. Callahan got of the bus second. Then George and Philza. Dream and me were the last of are friend groups to get of the bus. When it was are stop I got of the bus first then Dream. Dream was about to say something to me but I ignored him and started walking home. He followed me while texting someone on his phone.We walked home together in silence.

(1362 words)

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