ꕥ Part 5 ꕥ

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Time skip: when there walking into school

♧︎ Techno's POV: ♧︎

"HEY TECHNO WAIT UP!!" I could hear Wilbur shout behind me. I turned around and looked at him. He was running towards me and Dream. I could see Tommy, Tubbo and Philza running behind him.
"Why are you walking with him?" Wilbur said to me while gasping for air.

"What do you mean Wilbur?" I was so confused on what he was talking about
"Why are you walking with Dream?" Tommy asked me with almost an angry tone. Philza and Tubbo finally caught up to us, I could see disappointment on their faces. Dream didn't do anything to me so I didn't know why they were angry.

"OH come on Technoblade please don't act dumb! It's so obvious!" Wilbur shouted at. I stared at him as if he was crazy. "Drea-"

"Dream is cheating on you with George!" Tommy shouted as he interrupted Wilbur.
I felt my heart start to race up. It started to get harder to breathe, "w..what are y..you talking about?" I stuttered.

Tubbo grabbed his phone his phone out his pocked and showed me a picture of Dream without a shirt on while kissing George on the lips. Dream had his hands on his hips and there eyes were both closed. I couldn't breathe, maybe Tommy photoshop it?

"Techno please breathe.." Phil said in a calming voice to. I started to panic. Tears started to form in my eyes as I turned round to face Dream.
"P..please tell me th..that isn't tru..e?" I stuttered as I looked at him.

"I.. it not like that," dream said in a low voice as he avoided eye contact.
I felt my whole world shatter as tears started to fall from my eyes. I ran quickly past him and into school. I ran straight to the boys bathroom and started to sob.

✞ Wilbur's POV: ✞

After Techno ran into school, I turned to Dream and slapped him. He fell to the ground while holding his cheek. I was gonna punch him but that was until Philza said ," common let's go see if Techno is ok."

I ran with Phil, Tommy and Tubbo to the boys bathroom. When we got there Techno was crying his eyes out. Phil quickly ran towards him and hugged him, Tommy and Tubbo did the same thing and then I hugged him too. It lasted for 5 minutes.

"Hey it going to be ok Techno!" Phil said to Techno while trying to cheer him up.
"Mhm...wait how did you know about me and Dream?" Techno asked after he stopped crying.

"Sorry, I told them after I saw that picture," I said to him. He smiled and just hugged me. Thank you I heard him whisper.

"HEY GANG! Class starts in 2 minutes!" Tommy shouted while starting to panic. "I haven't done my maths homework!"

"Me, Tech and Phil have English first," I smiled at Tommy.

After we all walked towards are lockers and we were met by Niki, Fundy and Jack.
I grabbed the books I needed from my locker and started to walk with Niki, Techno and Phil towards are classroom. Jack and Tubbo had science while Tommy had maths and Fundy had art.

When we got to class, we were really early...or maybe the teacher was just late. "Hey umm niki? Can you... can you..um," Techno stuttered as he tried to speak. Niki turned round to look at him. He shut his eyes as he talked ,"Can you do my makeup?"

Niki's face lit up at that moment. "Yes yes yes I can!! Omg yes!" Niki grabbed Techno's hand and sat him down in one of the chairs at the back. She then grabbed another chair and sat in front of him. She then opened her back to get out her makeup supplies and started to do his makeup.

Me and Phil followed them and sat in two chairs in front of them. Phil grabbed his phone out his picked and started texting someone. Probably his girlfriend. I laid my head on the desk and fell asleep.

(700 words)

Sorry I have not updated this book. A lot has happened to me. Also Im gonna try and rewrite this book. Sorry

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