ꕥ Part 4 ꕥ

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♧︎«——»♧Techno POV ♧︎«——»♧

It was actually pretty chill at the park. There wasn't to many people what was nice. Everything was ok... except for Dream always on his phone. We were at a nearby cafe and he was just texting someone on his phone. I said hello to him 5 minutes ago to see if he was listening to me, but he didn't reply.
Maybe he was text Dimond boy about the party he went to yesterday. I doubt that though. Skeppy is probably still asleep. Maybe Sapnap or Karl. "Dream..hello? Who are you texting?" I asked him, but no answer. "Hello?" I asked him again, but no answer...so I took his phone.

"Tech! Why did you take my phone?" Dream whined.

"I was asking you a question, were are you texting?" I repeated.

"Ohh sorry, I was texting Punz. He said almost everyone has a hangover."

"Okay," I replied to him while giving his phone back. He turned of his phone almost immediately then went to the counter to probably get another cup of tea or coffee. It only took 2 minutes. When came back and sat down at the table we were at, a group of people walked in the cafe. There was 9 people, 4 female and 5 male. They were dressed in black with small chains on there belts an arms. When Dream saw them he grabbed my hand and his drink and walked/ran out the cafe. We both walked back to the half crowded park. "Who were they?!" I asked in a confused tone.

"There the wannabe cool kids. There no good. Don't talk to them unless you want a fight...they tried to fight my sister."

"Don't worry I won't...I'm guessing your brother DreamXD protected her?"

"Nahhh we ran into Quackity's dorm. It was so funny," Dream laughed.

We walked towards one of the benches at the park. The one what was under an oak tree with little pink flowers on. It was one of the peaceful and quiet spots at Snow-Chester park. Well it was quiet.

ꕥ«——»ꕥDream's POV ꕥ«——»ꕥ

Me and Techno were just sitting peaceful at on of the park benches. Techno's head leaning on my shoulder and my right hand on his hip. It was all peaceful until 2 people walked up to us. Finnster and Michaelmcchill. Me and Techno looked at one another then quickly moved away from each other. I hoped they didn't see us together or that might be the end for me and Techno. Finn started the conversation first ", Hello Techno and Dream. What are you two doing here?"

"We we're just talking about the rugby game yesterday on Friday," I quickly explained.
"Well me and Finn got a letter and we're moving university," Michael told me and Techno.
"Oh that's cool I guess. What university?" Techno asked.
"L'manberg university!" Michael replied before Finn could.
"That's the same university as us!" I said.
"That's awesome but I really have to go home now sorry," Techno said in a sad tone.
"Oh don't worry I guess we will see you on Monday then?" Finnster questioned.

"Yeah..see you on Monday," I shouted while walking with Techno forwards the exit of the park. Techno just waved then whispered under his breath that he hates people. I just laughed. It's was only 6 o'clock but it was getting really dark outside, luckily I had my car.

When me and Techno got home, Techno collapsed onto the couch. He must be tired.
I walked to wards the kitchen after I took of my shoes.
"You don't mind having Pasta tonight, right?" I asked a very tired pink head. All I got as a response was a hmm noise.

I turned on the stove.

(I don't know how to explain making pasta so time skip)
♡︎«——»♡︎Time skip ♡︎«——»♡︎

"Techno the pasta is done"


I added cheese to Techno's pasta since I knows he loves cheese. Me and Techno didn't talk much at dinner. There was some chatter between us but there wasn't really a big conversation.

After diner I decided to ask Techno some questions, "Hey Techno? What's wrong?"

He was about to go upstairs, "oh um, well today you seem different, it's like your trying to hide something from me."

"I would never hide anything from you Tech. I'll do the dishes and then I'll be upstairs in a couple of minutes."

"Alright," Tech said before walking upstairs.

I won't be able to keep this secret from him, but I just can't tell him. Maybe tomorrow he will forget.

(797 words)

[I wrote this chapter 2 weeks ago so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense]
Sorry I haven't updated it. I've been really busy. I'll try and write some more chapters. ☺︎︎

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