ꕥ Part 3 ꕥ

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♧︎«——»♧Techno POV ♧︎«——»♧

I woke up about 7am and realised Dream wasn't with me. I started to get a little worried. Was he still at that party? Is he with someone else? Is he drunk and got lost? Where is he? I tried to clear my mind but nothing happened. I felt dizzy because of all the thoughts and voices. I needed to get a glass of water. I slowly got out of bed, walked towards the door and down the stairs towards the kitchen. As I was walking down the stairs I smelt something..it smelt like...toast!?! I ran down the last couple of stairs and saw Dream making toast with a cup of tea in his hand and a cup of coffee on the table. When I saw him all my thoughts disappeared. I walked behind him and hugged his waist (in this Dream is 6,2/6,3 and Techno is 6,1. Small blade ☺︎︎). I don't think he saw me walk and run down the stairs because when I hugged him he jumped. "Oh good morning, I didn't see you. I made you some coffee," Dream said as he put his cup of tea down and turned around to hug me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and put his head on my head. When I let go of Dream and sat at the table to drink my coffee, the toast jumped out the toaster and made Dream jump again. I bursted into laughter while Dream covered his face from embarrassment. He buttered the toast and put them on a plate. Then he sat down at the table and gave me a slice of toast.

"Sooooo what time did u get back?" I asked.
Dream took a bite out his toast, swallowed and then answered.
"I think 2 or 3 in the morning," he said with a yawn.
"Alright," I replied as I grabbed my phone.

𝙼𝚢 𝙿𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚢 ♡︎:
You lied.
𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 ✔︎

Dream grabbed his phone and read the text then looked at me. "What did I lie about?" Dream said to me. "Making me dinner," I told him. Dream just stared at my then asked "Techno did u not eat yesterday?" I shook my head.
"I'm sorry Techno...how about you spend the whole day with me," Dream said with a sorry look.
I grabbed my phone and texted him ok. I put down my phone and started eating the toast he made. He smiled at me but then got his phone out his pocket. Dream looked at his phone, then at me and then at his phone as he walked out the room and into the living room. It looked like he had a in coming call or a very important text.

Dream was on the phone for about 8minutes. After he ended the and walked back into the kitchen, I medially asked him ",Who was that?" Dream looked at me then smiled. He sat down and told me "It was Sapnap. He wanted to know if I was ok and everything...I drank a lot at the party...that's why," Dream said while whispering the last bit. I gave Dream a shocked look because of the last bit he said while also giving him a worried look as he must have a terrible hangover.
"I'm guessing you have a terrible headache so-"
"No no I don't..we'll I have a little headache but I took some tablets so I'm fine. How about we go to the park?" Dream interrupted me. I gave Dream a are u sure look before saying yes. I told Dream he could have the last slice of toast as I walked up the stairs to get dressed. I t̸h̸o̸u̸g̸h̸t̸ no.. I knew Dream was acting weird as if he was trying to hide something from me but I just ignored the feeling as I didn't have proof. I walked into are bedroom and walked towards the wardrobe to get some clothes. I decided to wear my white and pink hoodie, my black ripped jeans and my white and black trainers.

(The outfit:

(The outfit:

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