Drinny❃ A FanFiction Ch.4

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Draco (POV) --- I tell her that it's ok to talk to Harry about this, even though I don't like it it's ok. "Okay... Let me know how it goes. Okay?" "Okay," she says. She runs off to go talk to Harry, and I'm left alone. That is until Professor Snape comes in. "You really do love her don't you?" He asks. "Yea I do, I guess," I reply cautiously. "Good, because if you didn't love her you wouldn't let her talk to Mr. Potter." He says. I think he is testing me, but I can't figure out why. "Listen, Draco, you have to tell her at some point that you love her," yea he's putting me up on something for sure. "Okay I will."
Ginny (POV) --- "Harry, we need to talk," I whisper. "Ginny I am happy that you found someone, but I wish it was..." His voice is shaky. "Who Harry? Who do you want me to be with?" Even though I already know the answer. "...... Me. Ginny I want you to be with me." When he told me that, even though I knew I just wanted to hear it for myself, I died inside. I start crying and he just sits there. "Why? Why do you have to do this?" I want to scream! "WHYYY-" he stops me and says "turn around..." "Draco....I..." He cuts me off too. "Ginny, I love you-" Harry stands up and walks away...

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