Drinny❃ A FanFiction Ch. 5

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Draco (POV) --- "Ginny, I love you-" then Harry stands up and walks away. "Harry, wait!" Ginny said kind if loudly. "No! No I can't sit here and watch you two fall more in love! I CAN'T!" He looks so upset! He draws his wand before Me and screamed "STUPEFY!" Stunning me.
Ginny (POV) --- "HARRY WHAT THE HEL-" he cut me off, and ran out of the common room. "Draco, Draco, Draco..." I cooed. He opened his eyes. I sat him up, and he asked what happened. I told him that harry stunned him and then he kissed me. It was long and good. Then I break away, and before I could say anything he said "Yes, but you should stay with me in the Room Of Requirement. Really you should." "YESS! Of course! How long?" I asked. "As long as we want!" He sounded so happy that I said yes! "Now let's go get dinner!" I said hungrily.

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