Drinny❃ A FanFiction Ch. 3

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Ginny (POV) --- I wake up to Draco snoring LOUDLY. I shake him awake kiss him good morning and rush to the girls dormitory before anyone notices. After I change I run down to break fast, and realize I have a test in charms today with Slytherin, so I'll be with Draco. After breakfast Gryffindor and Slytherin have free period is Draco and I sit by the lake and talk. "How did you sleep?" I ask him. "Better because you were with me." He says then kisses me. I see Harry siting with Cho from Ravenclaw. He likes her but I see him glance over at us a lot. "You looking a Potter?" "What? Yea actually he's kinda mad at me so..." "What did you do to him?" He seems concerned. "Go out with you." I kiss him and he kisses me back and it's like that for a while until Ron comes over. "What do you want Ron?" I ask annoyingly. He replies without even thinking, "Harry is pissed at you, you know that right? You are really hurting him by doing this." "What do you know? And besides he's with Cho." I'm getting mad and Draco can see that. "Ginny, babe you should go talk to him," he sounds okay about me going over there. "Okay fine. But you owe me!" I walk over there and Harry says nothing. I ask if we can talk and Cho says that he's not wanting visitors. I go back to Draco and tell him Harry doesn't want to talk. "Whatever. Let's go grab lunch and I'll walk you to class," Draco says. "Okay." I said. After class, we take the charms test and go back to the Room Of Requirement. We make out for like 20 mins before I stop him. "I'm sorry... I just can't think straight right now," I tell him. "What's going on? Are you ok?" He is concerned. "No. I can't let this go on until I talk to Harry." I say. "Okay... Let me know how it goes. Okay?" "Okay," I say.

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