Drinny❃ A FanFiction Ch. 7

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Ginny (POV) --- after our little shindig on Friday, Draco and I couldn't keep our eyes let alone hands off each other. We would stare at lunch, hold hands between classes, make out in the the R.O.R. (Room Of Requirement) each day would become better and better than the one before. "I love you, Ginny Weasley." He would say a lot. "I love you more, Draco Malfoy," I cooed. We snuck lunch out by the lake, made out in the R.O.R., skipped ONE class to see each other. "Draco, we need to talk," I say after lunch. "Okay darling. What's up?" "Hermione is worrying about me, well us," I try not to cry. "Your point," he says. "My point is that...that...*💡 goes off* we should stay here permanently!" I say kind of loudly! "Okay! It's a go! That's sound AMAZING!" Although he sounds concerned. "Draco, you sound concerned. What's wrong?" I ask him. "The thing is Snape knows that I have the key," "WHAT?! How does he know?" I am upset myself now. "He knows...because he was the one who gave it to me..."

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