Drinny❃ A FanFiction Ch. 6

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Draco (POV) --- "God I hate him!" Ginny says to me. "Hate who?" I ask. "Harry!! I can't believe he would do that!" She looks, and sounds, pissed. "We'll I don't. I don't like him but I don't hate him! He was upset and mad I would do worse if it were me in that position," I tell her. Then we make out. I break apart just before class starts. "Come back here after charms (last period) okay?" I ask her. "Okay... Why?" She questions. "Because I want to hold you in my arms like this..." I put my arms around her and kiss her neck. She giggles and says okay. After charms I go to the Room Of Requirement and she's there waiting on me. "Come here," I tell her. She stands up smiles and I hug her and kiss her. We fall down on the bed and we kiss for a while then she breaks apart from me...she takes off her shirt and skirt gets under the covers and says while grinning, "We'll are you coming or not?"

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