12. Turtleneck Shirt.

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You and Dream are sitting on the couch watching a movie when the door bursts open.

Dream jumps and looks over at the door, as you do the same.

"Hey guys," George shouts, jumping out from behind the door.

"George!" Dream exclaims, running over to the brunette standing across the room.

The boys interwine in a hug.

Everyone is crowded around the boys with smiles on their faces.

The boys stand there hugging for a few minutes, swaying back and forth.

When they pull away, you notice Dream's eyes are a little watery.

"Come here, Dream," You say as the boy comes over to you.

You get on your tiptoes to reach the boy's eyes, wiping them of his tears.

"Thanks y/n," He says with a smile in which you return.

Everyone settles down around the apartment, lost in conversation.

Sapnap looks over at you, a certain look in his eyes that you can't decipher.

He comes over to you and drags you to your bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind him.

"Sapnap?" You ask him. He's staring at you, eyes fierce with emotion.

"Why are you acting so touchy with Dream?" He asks, pushing you against the wall, hand wrapped around your neck.

You look up at him, slightly intimidated by his features hovering over you.

"We're just friends, Sapnap," You say almost breathlessly.

"Okay, m'lady, well I still feel like I need to mark what's rightfully mine."

And with that, he pushes his lips to yours, moving his hands to your waist forcefully.

He slips his tongue into your mouth effortlessly, you suddenly going limp to the movement.

You moan quietly into his mouth, making his breath hitch.

"Fuck," he mutters under his breath, giving you butterflies.

He carries you over to your bed, lips never detaching.

He lays you down on the bed, finally releasing your lips.

He lets you lay there for a moment, just admiring you.

Then, he leans down onto you, bringing his lips to your neck, gently kissing up and down it.

He then bites down, slightly sucking on the skin of your neck.

You shutter, wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with his hair.

He continues leaving love marks all over your neck.

He then pulls away, taking his hands and slipping then under your shirt to rest on your sides.

"Is this okay?" He whispers.

You nod.

At that, he slips off your shirt, only showing you in your bra and your sweatpants.

He leans down again, starting to kiss around the outline of your breast.

He kisses just along it, every now and again biting down.

You whimper slightly, the touch both painful yet amazing.

He moves from you completely, his eyes directly meeting yours.

"God," He mutters under his breath.

He brings his lips back up to yours to meet in another forceful kiss.

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