Wedding planning 1

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Wedding planning will be in 5 parts because I know wedding planning takes forever and want to spread it out across 5 chapters so enjoy.

It was Iain and Ruby's day off and the couple decided they need to do some wedding planning as Iain smiled and said" shall we get started?"

Ruby smiled as Iain opened his laptop and said" first thing on the list is setting the date for our wedding." Ruby said" August the 12th."

Iain typed it out on his Macbook and said" next thing on the list is decide whether to plan for our own wedding."

Ruby nodded and said" I would love to plan our own wedding" whilst Iain said" next thing on the list is" send save the date cards."

Ruby said" already got them on the table and writing them out tonight." Iain stroked Ruby's hair and said" next thing on the list is book our venue."

Ruby giggled and said" I saw a nice country hotel so I thought we should look round it" as Iain smiled and said" that's a good idea."

Iain kissed Ruby's cheek and said" next thing is choosing the bridesmaids, best man and ushers." Ruby simply said" Jessica, Roxanne and Anna would be my bridesmaid whilst Finlay would be your best man and the usher should be Jack."

Iain typed all of the information down and said" booking our photographer" as Ruby said" there's a photographer called Ricky who lives in Australia so I might face time her and ask if she could photograph our wedding."

Iain smiled and said" who is going to our minister?" Ruby smiled and said" father brown as when my grandma had cancer he told me some useful things."

Iain smiled and said" caterers" as Ruby smiled at Iain's idea.

Iain smiled and said" booking our cars" whilst Ruby smiled and said" limousine for the bridesmaid's, wedding car for the best man and the usher whilst my granddad Charlie is renovating his old car and turning it into a wedding car so that I can get to the wedding in style."

Iain nodded and said' book our florist." Ruby smiled and said" I've already phoned the florist."

Iain smiled and said" for the toastmaster I'm going to invite my good old army friend Jez."

Ruby nodded and said" could we go to florida for our honeymoon please." Iain chuckled and said" yes babe we can go to florida for our honeymoon."

Iain said" already took out wedding insurance."

Ruby smiled and said" I'm taking Roxanne, Jessica and Anna to the shop to choose my perfect wedding dress and no peeking at it before our wedding day."

Iain laughed and said" can't wait to be your 

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