Alluka is curious and needs Bisky help

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After the conversation Alluka had with Killua about Gon the girl had dropped it ever since as the week passed with the two touring York New without the spiders looming around. They even visited Leorio and Kurapika for a short while.

Killua was so happy to see the two as he introduced them to Alluka who enjoyed being around them as she watched leorio argue with a smug Killua and Kurapika who stopped the two for a small dinner which was pretty good if Alluka had anything to say about.

They all laugh and joke and talk about each other's adventures until Kurapika brings up Gon which turns Killua mood sour as Kurapika mentions how Gon did not answer his phone all day but the messages he got were simple but mention how he had a bad feeling for some reason like Alluka.

Killua then claimed that they had to head back to their hotel as the two left and prepared for the night.

Alluka sat on the bed while Killua was showering , giving the girl some time to think about the day so far ever since Killua answered Leorio's phone call.

Alluka still just couldn't shake the feeling that Killua should try to at least check as the girl turned around to see her brother's phone hanging innocently in his coat pocket.

"Nanika what should I do" Alluka whispered as she felt Nanika worry too and as she stared at the phone she could not take it no more and hurriedly took the phone out of Killua coat pocket right before hearing Killua shower water cut off and quickly tucked it under her pillow just when Killua came out.

"Hey Alluka , I was wondering where you think our next stop will be, huh?"Killua asked, coming out of the bathroom drying his hair as Alluka tried to hide her panic, hoping Killua would not notice his phone missing.

"Um, I don't know. I kind of like York, New. Maybe we can stay another week please" Alluka asked with a tiny smile while Killua made a small face.

"Well okay, if that is what you want then sure" Killua agreed, finishing drying his hair before Alluka faked yawning and crawled into her bed.

"Well big brother, I think I am going to go to bed now. Good night" Alluka said as Killua wished her a good night and turned off the light while she heard him crawling into bed too.

Alluka had to wait a good while to make sure her brother was asleep ,listening to his breathing pattern soften.

In a hurry the girl pulled the blanket over her head and slipped the phone from under the pillow and turned it on while dimming the screen a bit and turning it on silent.

Alluka decided to look over the text messages to cure her worry but it was worse. It was so much worse as she kept reading on and on as the text went from light and fluffy until it got dark and real fast. It made her hands shake just to read them all as Nanika even started to grow sadder with each text.

In her bed Alluka had tears leaking out her eyes. She felt so sick reading these text messages that she had to turn the phone off and resist the urge to throw up right there.

It was so bad and Killua had no idea at all. WOuld her brother even care? How could she convince him that Gon needed help? It was probably too late to do anything.

"I need help and I know will help me" ALluka whispered as the girl opened up Killua contacts and sent an emergency message to the one person who could help her the most in this situation immediately sending a text showing it was her.

Luckily she was given a reply instantly and Alluka turned off Killua phone leaving her alone in the dark which for once scared her.

It got so bad that when she heard a creak she squeaked and buried herself deeper into her blankets praying Bisky would come soon.

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