Please No. Oh God No

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Hey Killua I missed you. I know it only has been a day or so but it is strange not having you around. Either way Aunt Mito says hi. I hope you and Alluka and Nanika are having fun exploring.

Killua, can you believe it? Mito-san slapped down on me four years worth of homework. And most of it is math, please help me.

Hey Killua guess what Kon found a mate and had babies look. (attach photo) I name them. Emma, Kop, and Fluff aren't they great.

Killua, anything interesting happened to you while you guys were traveling. How it's been going with your brother. Don't I know how you can handle him any day.

Killua, it is getting a little lonely here by myself. Why don't you and alluka come visit? I can show you guys around again and tourist season is almost here.

Killua you haven't done anything in a while. Please say something. I've been trying to call you. Why are you not answering me?

Killua I guess you aren't the only busy person around. Leorio  didn't answer Kurapika, Knuckles, Kite, Ging, Bisky or Wing-san. No one is answering me, but it is just my fault isn't.

Hey Killlua, why are you ignoring me? Is it because you hate me? Please tell me.

Killua, are you ignoring me? Please talk to me, Killua . I can't bear it.

Welp killua tourist season is over and get this. Right one the last day the temperature dropped and it got really windy.

Killua the wind is picking up a lot that the boats are rocking a lot and the waves are raising kind of high.

Killua, you haven't responded to me in a while. You hate me don't you. I don't blame you for hating me actually. Being alone gave me a lot of time to think and I realized I was an awful friend. I am so sorry Killua. I know I hurt you badly and if ignoring me helps then so be it I won't bother you much. I am so sorry.

Hey Killua I am going to keep it short. It is raining very hard and there are a lot of lightning strikes.It almost missed a tree near my house.

Killua this rain is getting bad. It has been raining so much that the port is flooded. The ships sinked and a lot of people had to move uphill. It is getting kind of worrisome.

Killlua I'm kind of getting scared. The water is still coming and I think the island is sinking.

(attach video) Killua, a couple of houses are underwater and a few people have to share houses. I am sharing a house with the other kid I told about and her family along with an elder couple. I can see the water from the wind.

KILLUA. The water keeps rising  and another man is staying with us. He said he was left behind by tourists and was swimming here. He is so cool but I feel weird around him.

Killua the water has gotten into our house. I think the island is flooded. I am getting scared and I think I saw some lightning earlier. And the wind is back.

The wind blew out the windows and the house flooded and the island.

I just saw a couple of bodies float by Killua.

I just saw some more and it was the store lady who always gave me cookies.

I don't know if Kon and his family are alright. A few rescue ships came but I saw another boat here that got a couple of limp bodies out of the water.

Mito said it is almost our turn to get on the boat and it is sad because we might have to leave the house. We were able to get some of our stuff but the first floor of the house is flooded. I think I saw some more lightning. Oh God it got so close.

Hey killua the strange man is getting weirder he keeps stalking me. I think he knows nen. And he is always snooping around my room.

Hey killua he been talking to some strange person on the phone but the boat is almost here.The lightning its getting closer to the ground

(no text for two weeks)

Killua you know. All I ever was was selfish and a burden. I know that now and I am sorry about how I always have done nothing but hurt you. You ignored me because I broke you and you need to keep away from me and I don't blame you. I am a terrible person for hurting you and abandoning you and all you ever did was be selfless while I was selfish so selfish and look at me being so selfish again talking about myself. I am so sorry Killua and I hate myself for how I hurted you and no amount of apologizing can fix it. I don't deserve anyone, let alone you killua. I just hurt people. Killua just stays away from me. I never was good for you , for no one and I am forever going to be sorry for what I did and sometimes I wish I never existed for how badly I hurt you. Killua you were a real light and for some like me to hurt you when you deserve the most love out of all of us. I hate myself for it and now for being a terrible person to you and everyone I am really paying for it. Everyone is gone and hurt or dead because of me. Mito...I-I

This is my last text. I am sorry Killua and thank you for everything even if I don't deserve it. I am moving away from whale island with the strange man who insists. I wanted to refuse but then he got scary and...nevermind. Sorry for all the pain and trouble I caused. Don't forgive me. Don't look look for me and take care of alluka and everyone for me.  Just forget I ever exist. I am sorry and bye.

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