The Storm End to a Sunny Day-The End

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One year later and some months

"Hey, Gon look there is an ice cream stand. Let's go get some ice cream"

"Oh I want strawberry big brother"

Killua felt his heart beat happily in his chest when he sees Gon nod to agree to get ice cream with him and Alluka.

It has been a whole year and some months since the incident with the brothers. Although even if it had been that long Gon still had a long way to go towards healing. So Killua relish the moment when he could look into his eyes and not sees something worse than dead in his eyes. Though they are still there deep in his eyes there was a tiny tiny tiny spark of life in them again that Killua was planning to make grow until Gon's eyes gain that glow of life again. No matter how long it took.

After the brother incident, Gon was taken directly back to the hospital having gone unconscious and having to have another painful procedure to remove the new stitches the brother put into Gon almost stopping the already weak boy's heart and Killua's.

It was barely bearable the first now to do it again was a nightmare but he was able to make it thanks to Kaze. Gon had been bed-bound for a year to heal, his leg luckily was not too damaged from the stitches but Gon did have to wear a leg brace for a while.

During the time in the hospital, Gon had a lot of things swarm him that would send the boy into a silent panic attack or he would faint which shocked Killua a bit when it happened.

He had to now take a ton of medication and had to go to therapy that didn't work for a bit because Gon refuse to talk or even make a hum or movement when the therapist try to talk to him. It only worked when Killua was there with him acting as a therapist in the therapist's place and getting therapy himself.

Gon's mental state took such a hit that the boy was lifeless for a while until some coaxing got him moving a bit. He even refused to eat at all being on a feeding tube.

They even had to watch Gon in case of getting himself kill or worse because he was not fully here or could feel anything like touch he could walk out on the street and could care or not even feel getting hit by a car. This being the reason why he was hospitalized in their medical ward for a year.

Still, they worked hard and Gon had just scratched the surface of getting better until he was released but had to be watched carefully. At least now he ate on his own.

So Killua brought the boy everywhere with him and Alluka. Nothing too stressful but small places to adventure and explore this time being the one to pull  Gon around to different stalls or get him to try some food.

Eventually, after a couple of months Killua almost cried when he saw the tiniest dot of life in Gon's eyes. Gon didn't react mostly but Killua everyone who cheered. Even Leorio who was now Gon's acting guardian now in place of Mito when he argued that Gon's father would not help and he need at least a parent or guardian to come to.

That wasn't all the good news that happened that year.

Killua was finally told about the hospital incident and couldn't stop being in shock when he remembered it.

It turns out that when the brother went to kidnap Gon he called another brother to help but in return, he asked for Lavender to have her back.

So he helped the brother sneak and fight the group watching Gon and the girl was left alone with her memory restarting again.

The brother used that to kidnap her but Zusha had come back from the store he went to, to get some of Lavender's favorite ice cream right when the brother was about to touch her.

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