A Forgotten Dreamer's Tears

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It did not take Killua long to reach Zusha's house with Gon unconscious in his arms as he used his en to make sure they were not being followed.

Luckily Killua did not see or sense any of the brothers or pick up on another presence as he held tighter onto Gon's thin form that he knew was riddled red stitches.

Killua godspeed into the house slamming the door open and close loud enough that it woke up Zusha's parents, Bisky and Alluka who had rushed into the room to make sure there was no one breaking into their house.

Instead, they were surprised to see Killua holding onto a small unconscious boy who looked like he had been locked in the deepest pit of hell.

That is when they realized that Killua was holding onto that boy. It was Gon.

Killua looked at the shocked faces of Zusha's parents and the relieved faces of his sister and nen teacher as the parents looked ready to cry at that moment looking at Gon whose eyes were slightly cracked open but Killua knew the boy was unconscious.

"I'm going to my room"Killua whispered while Mrs. Chowa started to  walk away to the kitchen.

"He looks so skinny I will make him some food for when he wakes up. He looks starved. I will call you when the food is ready just take your time deary. " The wife hurriedly rushed to the kitchen muttering about how a man can do this to a child while her husband followed behind her to comfort the obviously distraught wife.

Killua left the couple feeling grateful to them as he headed to his room as Bisky and Alluka followed killua into the room.

Killua carried Gon all the way into his room with alluka opening  the door and walking to his bed to carefully lower Gon's body on the bed and gently pull the covers up on his sleeping body.

Killua could help but stare at gon. His chest barely looked like it was moving if you did not look close enough and breathe so quietly you would think the boy is dead.

Alluka who saw how sad and worried her brother was went to hug her brother tightly around the waist.

"Don't be sad killua. it will be okay."

Killua nodded as Bisky placed a comforting hand on his shoulder too with a soft smile.

"Yeah, brat. Besides you have him now so let's focus on that for now okay."

Killua smiled at Bisky wiping at his face to hide his tears as he clear his voice.

"Thank you two. Why don't you guys go back to bed okay? It is still late at night,"

Alluka nodded letting go of her brother as the two left killua alone in the room with Gon. Killua did not move for a good five minutes before pulling up a chair to sit in that was placed right to Gon so he could watch him.

The bag on Gon's eyes was terrible and black as coal, his skin was whiter than killua and icy to the touch. It hurt Killua as he gripped Gon's limp hand to feel the bones in them knowing just past the sleeves were those terrible red stitches.

"I got you now Gon and I am so sorry for this."Killua whispered to the unconscious boy. "but I am not letting you ever go back there or suffer by yourself again."

Killua felt himself shake, a sob wracked through his body as he stared at his best friend. He was so happy to have the boy back but it still hurt to know he did this to him. That he killed Gon.

That Gon refuse to believe all of this was real and Killua rescuing him was just a dream.
it still echoed in his head the words Gon told him. How was Killua going to convince Gon that he was not dreaming and that this was real? How was he going to help his dead friend from here?

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