43. Mission (1)

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[TW : Slight Abuse]

Wednesday, 12th February 2031

"A mission? We haven't had one of those in months!"

Moon's overly excited voice was heard right after they got a notification from MATA, informing them that they have an important mission to complete.

With no time to waste the three stopped whatever they were doing and arrived to the academy as fast as they can.

Unlike their hyped friend, Iman and Alicia seemed to be relaxed even though a new mission is exciting. They entered the room to see Ali, Rudy, and the others waiting.

They walked up to their places and stood there. Soon after, a hologram projection of the general was seen, about to give orders.

"Good evening agents. Today, we have received an anonymous call reporting a break in. A house was broken into half an hour ago and was believed to be a crime scene for murder, and abduction"

"There are no clear evidence of hostages, but the caller reported seeing scared children screams from insides of the house. Therefore we need some of you to investigate, and possibly save some individuals"

All the agents stayed silent, the old man began to hand out orders. One by one, assignments were given to them.

"Ali, Alicia, Rudy, and Iman" He called as the four looked up, giving they're attention.

"The four of you have been chosen for this mission, got it?"

"Yes general!" They answered at the same time.

"That is it. Bertindak Segera!"

Once the projection turned off, the others separated and went back to do their jobs, while four of these agents were sent off by MATA to investigate whatever is going on.

They made their way out and began heading to the destination. It was really dark out, especially since this location is at the edge of Cyberjaya.

No cars nor pedestrians were seen, just a bunch of trees and vandalized walls. Raindrops were lightly pouring down, a dissatisfying odor was spreading all over the place.

The further they go in, headlights are no longer seen, its like a completely abandoned area.

"It's so scary here, are you sure there's even a house in this place?" Asked Iman to Rudy.

She was really surprised that anyone would choose to live in these kind of places. No life seemed to exist here from the beginning, none.

Rudy noticed that she was getting uncomfortable and slightly afraid of their surroundings. He tried to calm her down.

"Listen, i'm not sure what creep would stay in these woods but we're here for a mission, you and i are skilled agents, we'll be just fine. Plus, i wont leave your side" He smiled.

Iman returned the smile, showing that she's much more relaxed and her strength had came back.

Walking behind them, was Ali and Alicia. Both of them hasn't been in a mission together since last year. This is in fact their first mission this year.

The cold and awkward tension was haunting the both of them. Making a few eye contacts every few minutes, Ali couldn't help but to start a conversation.

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