Night Out

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"Do you guys really like it?" I asked turning around. "Yeah it looks amazing!" Love said. And the rest nodded in agreement. "How about me guys?" Gemma said as she finally finished getting ready she doesn't usually wear makeup because she doesn't need she is perfect without it but when she does she looks flawless. "You always look perfect but I wouldn't be surprised if you brought a few guys home tonight." Tee smirked with her perverted self. We all just laughed as I let Ethan do my hair and Caleb do my makeup. "Come on guys you have 20 minutes!" Liam came banging on the door. "Okay well we are done with you we have to get ready now!" Caleb said as I looked in the mirror to my surprise I looked sexy as fuck! "Holy shit next time we go out I got dibs on you two!" Love raised her hand as they got dressed. "Come on guys we don't have all night!" Michael came yelling through the door. "Calm your fucking balls!" Eleanor yelled back, to be honest Michael became a dick he's just rude to everyone and he thinks he's a badass and nobody really likes him anymore. "Bitch!" He yelled back he seemed to have kicked my door. "What the fuck is your problem!" I opened the door pissed off because it's my birthday and he's not about to ruin it. "My problem is you've been getting ready for 3 hours!" He turned around. "Then leave you don't have to come!" I yelled back as the girls and Ethan and Caleb stood behind me and the boys came running up the stairs. "I don't listen to stuck up brats." He yelled. "Well I don't listen to conceited, self centered, over confident dick head musicians!" I yelled back in pure anger starting to walk towards him with every adjective. "Winter." Gemma warned. "I may be self centered and conceited and yeah maybe the fame as got to me but just remember I didn't have 2 kids before I was 18 whore!" He yelled back and I was truly hurt ever since his dumb band got big he thinks he's the shit and he knows how I feel about my babies. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I may be gay but I can still kick your ass you colored hair son---" Ethan tried to continue until Caleb put his hand around his mouth and pulled him back. Then all I saw was Harry's fist collide with Michaels face. "Your fired bitch or you find another producer get the fuck out of my house!" Harry spit in pure anger as Luke and Ashton ran to Michaels side. "Get off me dude! I don't need you! I don't need any of you!" Michael yelled getting off the floor pushing his way out of the house with his busted lip. "Harry you good?" Liam asked as his breathing was really heavy. I've never seen Harry this mad to the point where he can't even control his breathing I'm actually pretty terrified after seeing what he can do. "Come on Winter you don't need to see this" Louis said pulling me back into my room while Gemma was trying to help calm down Harry. Eleanor and Perrie are with Caleb and Ethan calming Ethan down and Tee and Love are in here with me as well. "It's going to be fine. Do you still wanna go out?" Louis asked and I decided I'm not going to let a self centered douche bag ruin my birthday. "Yeah we just have to get Harry calmed down first." I said standing up walking out the room to see Harry pulling at his hair still not calmed down and everybody is back away like he will snap at any second. "Harry look at me." I told him walking towards him he looked up and immediately looked back down, I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Look at me!" I told him sternly and his breathing calmed I smiled seeing the affect I have on him. "I'm okay your okay we are all okay just calm down babe." I told him smiling hoping to make him smile too, which he did. "Come on let's go out." He kissed me and we all walked out the house. "Okay first seating arrangements." Louis mentioned. "I drive, Tee passenger, Luke with Love on lap, Harry with Winter on lap, Zayn with Perrie on lap all in the back, then all the way in the other back is Louis with Eleanor on lap, Calum with Gemma on lap." Liam stopped and thought for a little bit. "Um actually I'm going to ride with Caleb and Ethan because they're really funny." Calum but in. "Yeah we are too." Love said grabbing Lukes hand. "Okay then Ashton and Gemma in the very back with Louis and Eleanor, and Niall you can sit in back with Harry or with Louis your choice." Liam continued and Niall just shoved some crackers in his mouth. "What are we standing here for let's go!" Ethan said running to the car. "Okay let's go celebrate." Harry winked smacking my butt. "Harry Edward." I said very poshly. "I love you." He laughed and kissed me. "I love you too." We got to the club at about 12am. "Let's go get my first legal shot!" I said throwing my hands up. I grabbed Harry's hand and led him to the bar. "Ahh Harry long time no see, are the others here?" The man at the bar asked. "Yeah they're around here somewhere, like I told you earlier it's this gorgeous girls birthday so.." Harry dragged. "Here you are Mr. Styles." He smiled pulling out a bottle and making shots for me and Harry. "You never did tell me who this lovely lady is." The bartender said while making the shots. "Well this birthday girl is my beautiful girlfriend it will be 5 years next month." Harry said wrapping his hands around my waist. "A whole 5 years and no ring Harry man I taught you better." The man said which kind of got me upset because I do want Harry to propose, he just hasn't. "Here on the house for the birthday girl." He said giving us a whole tray. After taking 3 me and Harry went to go dance. "How's your birthday so far babe?" Harry asked as I grinded on him. "Great." I told him. "Hey birthday girl mind if we cut in." Ethan said bringing the whole group over. After dancing for what seemed like hours. "I'm going to step outside real fast okay?" I told Harry who is completely smashed. "Wait baby I'm gonna come with you, I just have to go to the potty!" Harry said skipping to the men's room. "Watch him I'm going to step outside." I giggled to Ethan. And he just nodded and smiled. When I stepped outside I instantly felt better it's not all humid and stuff. "Hey babe." Someone called and I looked to see some random guy not that far from me so I took that as my sign to go back inside. "Oh what can't speak. Cat got your tongue?" They said and just as I opened the door they grabbed me by the arm. "You didn't think I was going to miss your birthday did you?" I looked to see Tyler. "You son of a bitch you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry happy 21st birthday little one!" He exclaimed. "Thank you!" I exclaimed back. "I got you something!" He smiled and I just crossed my arms, last year he got me a dead frog because he thought it would be funny. "I'm serious this time I've been saving up for it ever since we were little kids, remember those twinning all diamond bestfriend necklaces you wanted for us." He asked me, of course I remember I use to bug him about it all the time. "Well here." He pulled a box out of his pocket. I turned around as he put the necklace on me and I put his necklace on him. They were both real diamond mine said BEST and his said FRIEND. "Thank you so so so much I love you little one!" I said almost crying. "Aha love you too little one." He said and hugged me. "Now let's go inside and get fucked up!" Tyler said as we ran back inside. I walk in to see a big crowd so I walked to the front of it to see Harry pounding this one guy I don't know who he is. "Harry stop!" I yelled as the guy was bleeding from different spots. "Oh what's wrong now. Where were you I clearly told you to wait for me but noooo you were probably out fucking him weren't you!" Harry slurred stumbling everywhere. "What the hell your drunk!" I yelled back. "I'm not drunk yes I may have had a few shots but I'm not drunk!" He slurred back. He stumbled over to me grabbing on to my arm squeezing really hard. "Why didn't you wait for me?" He asked squeezing harder. "Because I wanted to be by myself." I told him honestly. He squeezed harder. "Your hurting me!" I told him. "Bullshit tell me the truth!" He spit. "Hey I think you should get your damn hands off of her now!" Tyler cut in. "Oh yeah and what are you going to do about it blondie?" Harry said letting me go. "Come on Winter your staying with me tonight!" Tyler said looking Harry straight into his eyes. "Your not taking my girlfriend." Harry said sternly. "You can have her back when your mind is right!" Tyler spit, just as me and Tyler were walking out of the club we ran into someone on the sidewalk walking to Tyler's car. "Ow!" They exclaimed. "Michael." I said under my breath with no emotion. "Oh um Winter we need to talk." He stated nervously. "No you don't you can talk another time goodnight." Tyler said beyond pissed about what just happened between me and Harry. "Where are the kids?" He asked. "With Anne." I told him blankly I can't wrap around my head that Harry would purposely hurt me. "Well I'm going to pick them up from Anne's tomorrow because they aren't staying there with them." He told me and I just nodded, there's no point in fighting I know I'll loose this one. "Has he fucking put his hands on you like that before?!" Tyler boomed driving down the road and you just shook your head no. "Well your staying a mine tonight!" Tyler said speeding down the road. When we got to his we both got out the car and walked inside I went straight to Tyler's room and took my extra clothes I had here thankfully one was a pair of leggings and a sports bra. I went and took a shower, while I was in the shower washing my hair with Tyler's man shampoo and shit he knocked. "Are you in the shower?" He yelled through the door. "Yes!" I yelled back and he came in. "Hey I'll be back in at least an hour." Tyler said grabbing something I heard a lot of rustling. "Okay where are you going?" I asked him. "A date see ya." Tyler said walking out. Okay then. When I walked out of the shower in my clothes I was drying my hair and walked to the kitchen to look for Tyler's cigarettes I know he has them somewhere but when I was pregnant he wanted me to quit for good so he hides them from. Harry still doesn't know I even use to smoke. I opened the last drawer in kitchen and found a pack score! I turned on the toaster and stuck it inside to light it since I didn't have a lighter. "Hey I forgot my... Winter!" Tyler yelled as he walked back in the house clearly forgetting something. "Tyler!" I yelled back trying to act like I didn't know what he was yelling at me for. "What did I tell you about smoking!" Tyler yelled coming closer to me. "Chill I'm 21." I told him calmly he's the last person I want to argue with and he just rolled his eyes. "I'll be back." He mumbled grabbed his cigarettes and started to walk out. "You can't be mad at me!" I exclaimed at him. "I'm not mad. I'm just, disappointed." He said and walked out leaving. What a wonderful birthday this is. I was watching tv when Tyler's phone rang I didn't even know he left it here. "Hello?" I asked into the phone it was an unsaved number. "Hi is this Winter Snow?" they asked into the phone, this isn't even my phone how did they know? "Um yes who's calling?" I asked very concerned. "This nurse bunttie from the hospital your friend Tyler was just in a car accident and has requested to see you." She mentioned. Oh my gosh I grabbed Tyler's phone and that's when I realized Tyler took mine instead of his damnit! I went on Tyler's phone and called Love. "hello?" She said into the phone. "Hey girl it's winter I'm at Tyler's house can you come take me to the hospital Tyler's there." I told her. "of course on my way and Harry is passed out in the back seat so when he wakes up he will be sober." Show informed me. "Okay." I mumbled. I smoked me another cigarette because I'm so fucking stressed out right now by the time I was done Love was hear honking her horn. I put the cigarette out and grabbed Tyler's phone and jumped in the front seat. She sped down to the hospital and I was wondering when she got her car. She probably left her early she doesn't drink or smoke. "does Tyler smoke you smell like nicotine?" She asked and I just shook my head yes. I'm just so nervous if I loose Tyler I'm not going to be able to live with myself. At all

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