Chapter 2

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My mind went blank. Aptitude test day? Really? Already? It's wasn't scheduled to the second of March..... Wait, duh. It was the second of March. I gaped at Pa.
        "Oh ****" I swore, and Ma glared at me while Hartly nudged me under the table with her knee. Sully glanced at me, shocked, and I looked down shamefully.
        "Sorry." I mumbled.
        A large bell rang, signalling that the train was about to arrive. Hartly, Sully and I all grabbed our bags and rushed out, Ma and Pa wishing Hartly and I good luck and promising to give me birthday presents later.

        As we sprinted along the dimly lit corridors I noticed Sully breathing heavily and struggling to keep up. I nudged Hartly and we both slowed down slightly, allowing him to keep up with us at a more comforatble pace. Maybe I was selfless? I hadn't noticed it before, but things like that I did everyday. Maybe I'd be an abegnation.

        Even though Sully was a year older than Hartly and myself, and he'd already had the apitude test (he'd got Dauntless) and passed initiation, he still went to school with us. This was due to his severe dislexia, meaning he was behind a school year.

        The cold air was like a slap in the face as we ran out into the morning light and towards the train rails. The train was just picking up speed, so Hartly and I sped up slightly. Our plan was that if Sully missed because he was too slow we would help him up. It was risky and very dangerous, but hey, we were Dauntless.

        As we became parallel with the tracks I sped ahead while Hartly hung back slightly to leave enough room for my take off. Fearlessly, I grabbed hold of the handle and jumped left, swinging myself into the last carriage. Hartly came soaring through the door as soon as I was out the way, and I grabbed her forearm to help her in.

        Last came the most dangerous bit. We both positoned ourselves by the door, Hartly on the left and me on the right, and leant out. Sully grabbed my outstretched hand and jumped, and I used his momentum to swing him round, where Hartly grabbed his other hand. We were now off the building, flying above the city. The roads were over 100 metres beneath us. If we dropped Sully now, he would die for certain.

        Using the grips beside the door for support, Hartly and I heaved Sully into the train carriage. The three of us collapsed onto the blue leather seats, kicking off our shoes and putting our feet up, as we were the only ones in the carriage. For some reason I had a feeling that this was the last time I would ever see Hartly on the train again. Sure she was brave, but that was entirley down to her Dauntless upbringing. Deep down the whole family knew she was an Amity at heart. Which faction would I become a member of? I thought. It was pretty brave for me to help Sully like that, but was that also due to growing up in Dauntless? It must be, as I was selfless as well.

        Suddenlly, a thought struck me with the force of a sledgehammer. Ma and Pa had said they would give me my presents later. If today I transfered do a different faction, there would be no later. At least, not in Dauntless. Did that mean they thought I would become a member of Dauntless? What about my selfnessness? Or maybe... maybe I wasn't selfless. Maybe I was just kind. Maybe slowing down was what everyone would do.

        As I relaxed in my seat I mulled things over. Was I more cut out for Abegnation, or Dauntless? The sharp slope of the tracks pulled me out of my thoughts. Oh well, I would find out later.

        In a mad rush, Hartly, Sully and I oulled on our shoes and slung our bags over our shoulders as the train made a steady incline to ground level and drew into the station. Sully readied himself first and lept out. Hartly took one last, long, look around the carriage and jumped off next. Even she knew she wouldn't be coming back on this train. I glanced around me. Would I be coming back? Just in case, I made sure to take everything in. The cracked, leather seats. The black, peeling paint that had turned a pale grey with age. The sunlight streaming through the window on the opposite side and hitting the polished, wooden floor. I gave a small smile, then jumped.  

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