Chapter 8

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As we left the school gates I looked back at the sculpture. It was the last time I would ever be in that playground, for school purposes anyway. Once we transfered our new Faction was responsible for giving us the education they thought we should have. I wonder what Candor does?

        Karen led us through the winding streets to the centre of the city, where the Hub was. Along the way we joined up with other groups of 16 year olds, and when we finally arrived at the Hub we are a large mass, led by several adults. I recognised the Abegnation woman who had held the door open for us, and smiled at her.

        When we went through the double doors we were sorted into groups and told where to sit. I couldn't see any connection between the groups until I saw Hartly sitting with a group of Amity, and a load of my Dauntless friends sitting together. On one side of me was Sarah, the other side was Harvey, and next to him sat Ed. We were sitting with the people who'd got the same aptitude as us. Two Erudites who I didn't know sat with us, as well as another Candor and two Amity's.

        The room which the Choosing Ceremony was to take place in was large and airy, Two storeys high, the sunligh poured down through a large skylight. It was round and seating lined the edge of half of it in a semi-circle. The factions sat together: first Abegnation, a sea of grey, then Amity in red and yellow, then Candor in white and black, merging into Dauntless in just black and ending in the blue of Erudite. At the front of the room was a stage. On it were five large bowls, each belonging to a faction. What you had to do to pick your faction was to cut your hand and drip your blood into the bowl of the faction you chose. Each bowl had a certain objeectin in it. Earth for Amity. Large, grey stones for Abegnation. Glass for Candor. Hot coals for Dauntless. Water for Erudite. The 16 year olds of the city sat on the front row of seats. Once they had picked a faction, they would move to the back.

        Alice Annivent stepped up onto the stage and the room hushed. Alice was ambassador of Amity, but she was retiring after this Choosing ceremony. As it was her last chance to go to a big event as Ambassador of Amity, the Abegnation government had allowed her to present the chosing ceremony. She wore a pair of flat, red shoes and a tight red skirt, along with a yellow blouse and yellow jacket.

        "Hello everyone!" Alice said, and the few whisperes that had been going died down. Her voice was quite high and she spoke fast, which gave the effect of her being excited and hyper.

        "And welcome to this years Choosing Ceremony! Now, before we can begin, I have been given an announcement to make. It is this: after today, the Aptitude test and Choosing Ceremony process will be change, and spread over a series of two days. The Aptitude test will take place on the afternoon of the first day, and, like the current system, lessons will be cut short to fit them all in. But after, instead of going to classrooms for the afternoon, the children willl be sent home and will have a final, or not, chance to see their parents. On the second day the Choosing Ceremony will begin at noon, and the day will be a National Holiday. No school or jobs will take place. The Abegnation will be relieved of their 5 o'clock community service duties."

        Alice paused for the information to be taken in, and a cheer rose from the Daunltess. The group of Dauntless 16 year olds across the room, who were obviously going back home tonight, also joined in the cheering. I found myself smiling, but I didn't cheer. I would have if I had been among them, but here, surrounded by Abegnation, Candor, Erudite and Amity, it felt wrong. When the cheers had quietened, Alice continued.

        "Now, let the Choosing Ceremony begin!" She announced and the Dauntless cheered again, this time with clapping and stomping. 

        "Afid, Thomas." The first name was read.

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