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In the end the change of company is less painful than he thought it would be. The old company will keep representing him when it comes to acting and Big Hit will manage his music and future concerts. They had agreed that acting was still Jin's main goal and his schedules would need to comply with possible filming, but other than that Big Hit and Jin could make any plans they wanted when it came to the rest of his career.

He's been to the company building a few times now, meeting his new manager and the other people in his team. It's not as many people as he'd had in company X, but they promised that there would be more people when he was ramping up to a comeback or making new music.

He sits in a few meetings where they discuss the press release from Big Hit about welcoming him into the company and has a short and sweet photoshoot to get pictures to go with the announcement. He's also asked to film a short clip for the fans, which is easy enough to do.

They set up the camera in some kind of lounge, he sits behind a table with albums from Big Hit's artists behind him. He smiles at the camera when the cue comes and rattles off his prepared statement, making sure to look happy, but not too happy as he talks about how he's ready for new challenges musically and how he hopes his fans will be pleased.

"That was great Seokjin-nim. Do you want to go up and meet some of the producers who we have working with artists? We told everyone you'd be coming around today so they know to expect visitors." His new manager suggests when they wrap up the shoot.

Jin stands up and brushes imaginary lint off his shirt. He feels nervous. He's wanted this for a while now, a new direction when it comes to music, more say on how his music will sound, but it would all be for moot, if the producers and him didn't get along.

"Yes, I'd love to greet them. if you're sure it won't disrupt their work?"

"No, no. We always make it a priority to let artists and music production team bond, as we think it makes for a better creative working environment."

His manager leads Jin back to the elevator and takes it up a few floors, the sign on the wall tells Jin he's arrived at 'music production, sound studios, recording studios'.

They stop at one of the first doors on the corridor that has a welcome mat on the floor that says 'go away' on it in English. Jin tries not to think it's a bad omen as the manager knocks on the door.

After a few moments the door opens and Jin comes face to face with a short man with messy black hair. He squints up at Jin, like he has no idea who he is and transfers his gaze to the manager, who quickly steps in.

"Min-PD, did you get the company memo this morning? We're taking Kim Seokjin-nim around the building and introducing him to music production. He's the new talent who just joined the company."

This does seem to ring a bell for Min-PD who nods and offers Jin a friendly smile, "Oh, yeah. Hi, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from RM. I have a few ballads that you might like, you can come by next week if you want, I don't like sending over files online, call me old fashioned or paranoid."

"Thank you Min-PD, that's so kind of you. I would love to come hear your music, I've heard a lot of songs you've produced over the years and they've always really touched me," Jin says, honestly and bows a bit.

Min-PD seems a bit embarrassed by the praise, but his smile looks pleased, "Thanks, it's always nice to hear people like my work."

They exchange a few more pleasantries before the manager excuses them. They go knocking on more doors and Jin tries to keep everyone's names in his memory and make a pleasant first impression with everyone. He really likes Adora-PD, she seems friendly but no nonsense, which Jin can appreciate in a colleague.

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