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Jin releases his new album and he's never been as nervous before. Maybe it's because this is a new start, because it's a new company backing him. Maybe it's because there's more of him on this album than he's ever been able to show before. Maybe it's all of it.

He's a bit embarrassed to admit but he stays up way too late refreshing the Youtube page of his single, watching the numbers climb up steadily.

"You sure you don't want me to distract you?" Namjoon asks, puts away the book he'd been reading and leans over to see what Jin's looking at on his tablet.

Jin shakes his head, but leans in to kiss Namjoon anyway.

"I know it's silly, but I can't stop monitoring it. I can tell it's doing better than the last single, but that might just be curiosity, right? Doesn't mean people like the song more."

Namjoon humm's under his breath and noses Jin's neck, before sliding down to lie on his side, arm thrown over Jin's hip. Jin raises his arm a bit to let him settle, resting his arm on top of Namjoon's shoulder and keeping a hold on the tablet with the other.

"I know it's nerve wracking, but I believe it's going to be a hit. We all worked really hard on the songs and they are as good and perfect as we could make them."

Jin nods and scritches Namjoon's nape gently, "I know, I know. Does the light bother you? I can get out of bed, I know you have an early morning."

"No, hyung. It doesn't bother me at all," Namjoon mutters and yawns. He's asleep in a few minutes after that, snoring peacefully.

Jin looks down at him fondly. It's still pretty wild to him how well things have gone after that first date. Some days he wonders if this is really sustainable; the easy way they settled into a relationship.

When he had voiced that fear to his brother, he'd snorted and accused Jin of being cynical and inviting trouble and maybe he's right. This has already been one of the longest relationships Jin's had since he debuted years and years ago, which in itself is a rather depressing thought.

He takes out his phone and replies to a few messages congratulating him for the new release before he opens the camera app and takes a selfie in the too faint light of the tablet and the cellphone.

He looks nervous but happy in the slightly blurry photo and Jin posts it on twitter with the caption 'Thank you Jinnies for your support already! I hope the song showed how much I love you all! Still, I'm too nervous to sleep, help~' He changes the spelling a few times to make it cuter before he posts it and watches happily as fans come interact with him.

He gets two wins in the music shows with the single and the whole album gets more streams and views than the previous one. It's definitely a hit and Jin can't help but to grin. He feels like he's been grinning non-stop for the past two weeks.

The only downside to promoting his song and the album is that he's barely had time to see Namjoon at all. They've messaged each other sporadically and spent a few nights together when Jin didn't have to get up before six for schedules, but it's not enough and Jin misses Namjoon.

It doesn't help either that Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok have finished their tour and are back in the studio for their next album, so that's keeping Namjoon busy with his own work.

It's a bit of a relief to finish promotions and just take a day off, admire his new trophies and have his boyfriend fuck him slow but intense until he's crying from the over stimulation. Yeah, that really tops the whole fortnight off for him.

"Oh, I've missed that," Jin gasps when he feels like he has control of his vocal cords again. He still feels like his scalp is tingling and he wiggles his toes just to make sure they're still there and functioning.

"I've missed you more," Namjoon rumbles into his ear and sucks the lobe into his mouth, making Jin shiver.

"Yah, stop. You've worn me out, we can't all be young studs anymore," Jin says and pushes Namjoon's face away from him, only to follow him and roll them so he's half on top of Namjoon.

"I'm not that much younger than you. Besides having a younger lover will keep you virile, I've definitely heard that being said," Namjoon laughs and wraps his arm around Jin's shoulders.

Jin rests his head on Namjoon's chest, even though they're both a bit gross and sweaty, but Jin's found he likes to get a bit gross sometimes. To prove a point to himself Jin licks Namjoon's peck, tasting the salt on his skin and hums.

He's sitting in a private room of one of his favourite restaurants with Taehyung, waiting for their orders to arrive when it hits him.

"Did I ever thank you Taehyungie? If you hadn't told me about Namjoon's videos we might not even be here now. Or I wouldn't be with Big Hit."

Taehyung looks up from his phone, eyes wide, "No, what? What do hyung's videos have to do with anything?

"I think they really made me think about what I want from music, from my career. It solidified the idea that I wasn't happy where I was and nudged me into making a change," Jin admits with a slight smile.

"Wow, I guess I need to be more careful about recommending videos to people from now on," Taehyung says mock seriously, breaking the mood and Jin's obligated to throw a napkin at his stupidly handsome face.

Once that score has been settled and the waitress has brought their food, Taehyung smiles at him wide again and asks, "Is it weird he still makes the videos? I saw the one he did about the new album. He really had to twist his words to hide how well he knew the whole process and try to make it seem like a regular video."

Jin's ears flush, and he buys some time by finishing his rice before he answers. " Yes, he showed it to me before posting. I think it was sweet, his videos are always so sweet."

Taehyung laughs, "Yeah well obviously. He is your number one fanboy after all."

"Yah, shut up," Jin says but can't help but to laugh a bit as well.

"I can't believe you of all people ended up dating a fan," Taehyung keeps heckling him and Jin leans over the table to smack him on the arm, none too gently.

"Don't say anything like that to Joonie, he still gets embarrassed about that sometimes," Jin tells him sternly and pushes the call button to get the waiter back so he can pay the bill.

Before anyone comes, Taehyung masters his amusement and just gazes at Jin fondly. "I'm glad you're happy now hyung, I really am."

Jin blushes and ducks his head to avoid the attention. "Me too, Tae. Me too."

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