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Working with Jin turns out to be really easy. He's almost too accommodating when it comes to music. Namjoon is used to people saying what they like or don't like straight away, so it takes him a while to get used to Jin's more subtle style. It seems he didn't really have much say about his music in his old company and he's still timid about bringing his own ideas to the table, but Namjoon works on it doggedly and to his pleasure Jin becomes more confident and outspoken as the weeks progress and they work on the two songs Namjoon is making with him for the new album.

One of them is mostly Namjoon's. He made the melody and most of the lyrics, but Jin has supplied him with the chorus, which had become the building block for the whole arrangement. The second song is Jin's.

He had shared the file with Namjoon with a self deprecating: "I don't know if this will even work with the concept, but it's something I worked on during my service."

The song is a haunting ballad about loss and letting go, but that builds into something more hopeful towards the end, about seeing the possibility for something new after an old chapter has been closed.

Namjoon tries to preserve the raw sound as much as possible and shares the idea with Jin about keeping it mostly acoustic and letting Jin's vocals carry the song.

"Are you sure that won't be boring for people to listen to?" Jin asks, frowning a bit, his head covered by the hood of his shirt. The hoodie is at least four sizes too big for him and Jin is swimming in the fabric. Namjoon sometimes marvels at how Jin manages that, when he has such an amazing physique naturally, how he manages to hide the lines of his body under baggy clothes. He wonders why Jin feels the need to do that. He wonders about a lot of things when it comes to Jin.

"It won't be boring, it sounds beautiful. You have an amazing voice hyung, and you should show it. I've heard some of the other songs Adora-noona and Yoongi-hyung are working on with you and there's enough upbeat and trendy songs, so you can have something a bit different there as well. If you want it? If you don't like it we can change the arrangement. This is just my opinion."

Jin worries the straw in his take-away coffee cup, his lips red and full, so distracting, as always and Namjoon shifts in his seat and looks away. A man has his limits, even when he's doing his best to stay professional.

"I do think it sounds lovely. I was actually thinking I could maybe play the piano while I perform this? I'm not very good at playing, but this song is slow enough that I could manage it. And I always try to think of ways to get me out of dancing. I feel so awkward doing that."

Namjoon smiles at Jin, encouraging him. It's been a revelation getting to know Jin better over these past few weeks. The image of an affable and silly idol that Jin projects outward isn't all he is. Obviously Namjoon had known that before, he knew enough idols and knew the business, but it still felt like an honor when Jin let his guard down a bit and shared his doubts and weaknesses with him.

"It sounds like a great idea to me, I bet your fans will love it," Namjoon offers.

Jin turns to meet his eyes, grinning now, "Oh, will they? How about one particular fan, how do you think he will feel about it?"

Namjoon laughs, "Come on hyung, stop teasing me about our first meeting. I think I've proven I'm not just a fanboy by now? But anyway, I stand behind my words, I'd love to see you perform this song while playing the piano."

Jin's expression grows more serious. "Thank you. It really means a lot to me, what you're doing for me, helping me try to reach for my dream again. I'm not taking this second chance for granted. I will prove it to people that I can still do this."

"I know you will. Just wait hyung, everyone will be blown away by your new album," Namjoon says and reaches over to lay his hand on top of Jin's.

They both freeze for a second, Namjoon feels like there's an electric current running through him from where his hand's touching Jin's. He pulls his hand away quickly and tries not to show how deeply that small touch shocked him.

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