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Jin tries not to feel nervous as he tries to prepare for their date. He calls his mom, like he always does during the weekend and agrees to go home for dinner on Sunday. He vacuums the apartment, even though he knows housekeeping is coming on Monday. He goes to the gym in his building and does a light workout, as not to get too sore. He showers and spends a few hours on his computer, gaming idly before it's finally close to five and he can't wait anymore.

The breakfast dishes are still in the sink, so that's a good place to start. After that he starts rice again and looks up recipes online for something impressive to cook with the ingredients he has, but chickens out, because what if he cooks something he's never tried and it doesn't work out? So instead he goes for a tried and true meal plan he's cooked a million times before. Surely the taste is more important than it being impressive to look at?

He preps the vegetables and meat and then goes to change his outfit and fix his hair to kill off some more time. Jin doesn't want the food to be ready too early to get cold and soggy before Namjoon even gets here.

Usually Jin doesn't like clothes that fit him too well, but when are you supposed to wear stuff like that if not for a first date? He looks through his closet and settles for a button down that fits him perfectly. It's meant to go with a suit, but he literally doesn't own any other form fitting clothes to his own chagrin.

"Better not get food on this," Jin mutters to himself and pairs the shirt with jeans, so it doesn't look like he's trying too much. The outfit looks pretty good and Jin tries not to think how he had time to go shopping if he's thought about this beforehand.

Instead he heads to the bathroom, coifs his hair and looks at his reflection with a judging eye. He looks good, always does and if he put on makeup Namjoon could definitely tell he was trying too hard. He winks at himself and goes back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

The doorbell rings five minutes before seven and Jin huffs out a laugh as he walks to the door. Maybe Namjoon was a bit nervous about the date as well.

"Hyung," Namjoon says when Jin opens the door. He's wearing a strangely patterned cardigan over a white t-shirt with jeans that make his legs look even longer than they are. His hair is flopping over his forehead and he looks a bit flustered.

"Namjoon-ah, come inside. I'm glad you came early, the food is almost done," Jin says and backs away from the door, grinning.

Namjoon shoves a bag to Jin as he takes off his shoes. Jin peeks inside and sees a bottle of wine as well as a box that has a bakery logo on it.

"You remembered," Jin says and reaches over to Namjoon, brushing his fingers along his arm to his hand.

Namjoon takes his hand in his and suddenly they're just holding hands in the foyer of Jin's apartment and it's all rather silly. Jin laughs and Namjoon joins him, even though he looks a bit quizzical about the reason.

"Sorry, sorry. I tend to laugh too much when I'm nervous. Come let's go to the kitchen before all my hard work is ruined at the last minute." Jin says and they walk inside, still holding hands.

The dinner is a success. Namjoon keeps praising his cooking and they never run out of things to talk about. Not that Jin was worried about that, not really. They've gotten along really well ever since they met, but still, he had this fear inside that what if it all just worked as friends.

The box Namjoon had brought has delicate little cookies and macaroons inside.

"I didn't know what type of desert you'd like so they suggested I get different kinds," Namjoon admits and looks away a bit bashful.

"Good idea, can't go wrong with variety," Jin reassures him and takes one of the macaroons.

Jin pours them both a new glass of wine and suggests they move to sit on the balcony, as the evening has cooled down a bit and they can watch the city lights.

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