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Jin's not that hungover when he wakes up. There's a slight headache pounding at his temples and his mouth tastes like he ate garbage the night before but otherwise he's none worse for wear. He rolls out of bed and walks into the bathroom, still half asleep.

As he's halfway through his morning routines, he spots the spare toothbrush on the counter, which makes him pause for a second before he remembers that he invited Namjoon to stay over.

"Oh no," Jin mutters and continues to dab moisturizer on his cheeks. He recalls that he got pretty flirty and obvious with Namjoon, who still acted like he didn't even notice. He has a vague memory of trying to act sexy when getting in bed, which makes him cringe.

Jin walks past the guest room door and peeks inside as it's not completely shut. He can see a lump under the covers and hears faint snoring, so obviously Namjoon is still here. He closes the door and goes into the kitchen to start breakfast.

Luckily for him, his grocery delivery was just yesterday so his fridge is full. Jin takes out all sorts of goodies and starts with the rice cooker, no microwave rice this morning. He starts a soup next and tries not to think why he's going into so much trouble when usually he just drinks a protein shake in the morning.

The food's pretty much done by the time Namjoon ambles into the room. He's still wearing the pyjama's Jin borrowed him and his hair is standing on end. It's adorable.

"Morning. Want some coffee? Breakfast is almost ready," Jin asks and takes out another cup.

"Thanks hyung," Namjoon says and comes to take the beverage from him.

He eyes the pots and pans Jin has on the stove and his eyes round. "Ooh, hyung! You really like cooking then? This looks amazing, I don't think I've had a proper Korean breakfast since I went home to my parents for Chuseok."

Jin feels his ears get red, but tries to laugh it off, "Haven't I bragged about my cooking skills to you? A grave oversight, but at least now you can taste for yourself."

"And here I thought you'd be super hungover and refuse to eat anything. I think I'm a bit scared of your alcohol tolerance now," Namjoon comments and goes to sit at the breakfast bar with his coffee.

"Hah, nobody can drink better than me," Jin says and ladles the soup into bowls and brings them to the table, followed by the rice and the other side dishes he's prepared.

"This looks delicious, thank you hyung," Namjoon says when Jin sits opposite him and for a while they both concentrate on their meals. Jin tries not to stare at Namjoon, or think about how nice this is, sharing a meal with someone first thing in the morning.

"I didn't do anything embarrassing, right? I think I remember everything, but sometimes my brain deletes stuff, especially embarrassing stuff," Jin asks when they're done and they're clearing the table.

Namjoon looks a bit sheepish, but shakes his head, "No hyung. I mean you were a bit flirty maybe, but I'm friends with Jimin, he's much worse. He gets so handsy you really need to watch out sometimes."

Jin nods and grimaces down at the empty bowl he's rinsing. He's so friendzoned, he just got called a friend and his flirting brushed off so casually.

"Oh, I guess I missed that part about Jimin then," He says and puts the bowls to the side. He'll wash them properly when Namjoon's gone.

Namjoon is peering at him, like he's trying to figure something out, but when their eyes meet he smiles, dimples showing and says. "He was with Taehyung, usually it's fine then, he just gropes Tae and everyone else is safe."

Jin laughs and places his hand on Namjoon's arm for a second before pulling away, trying not to blush again. There's no point in trying to flirt, obviously Namjoon doesn't think about him like that.

Namjoon excuses himself to go change and Jin plops himself in front of the television, channel surfing mindlessly.

"Hyung? I need to get going, sorry for bothering you on a weekend, I should have taken a taxi home last night." Namjoon says as he comes back, standing there, hands in his pockets and looking awkward and a bit worn in yesterday's clothes.

Jin stands up and goes to him, intending to walk him out like a good host.

"Don't worry about it, Namjoon-ah. I asked you to stay and it was nice having someone around. I don't often bother to cook when it's just me here," Jin admits and hopes Namjoon doesn't think he's a total loser now.

Namjoon blinks at him and for a second Jin could swear his eyes dip to his lips, but maybe he has something on his mouth? He brushes a finger over his lips to make sure it's nothing from breakfast and this time he's sure Namjoon is looking.

"Oh, well. I love home cooked meals, so if you want to invite me back sometime?" Namjoon trails off and looks embarrassed.

Jin laughs again, surprised but pleased.

He walks Namjoon to the door and watches Namjoon get his shoes back on. There's that small flutter of hope in his chest again. Maybe he has a chance?

"Namjoon-ah? Do you want to come have dinner with me tonight? I know it's short notice so don't feel pressured. I just got groceries delivered yesterday and I was planning to cook and..." Jin forces himself to stop rambling.

Namjoon has his mouth slightly open and his eyes are wide again. "I'd love to? I mean, I don't have plans. Should I bring something, wine? Desert?"

Jin feels himself blush and blusters through it like he always does, "You can bring both, if you're feeling generous. Now get out and come back at seven. Remember to change clothes, those smell like cigarette smoke still."

Namjoon nods rapidly as Jin instructs him, still wide eyed and with one hand on the door knob. When Jin pauses, he seems to gather some courage before asking.

"Hyung, I might be reading this all wrong, but is this a date?"

Jin feels his jaw snap shut with a click. They stare at each other for a moment in utter silence as Jin weighs his own courage.

"Yeah, I meant it as a date, but if you don't want it to be a date it can just be a dinner between friends."

Namjoon looks stunned for a second and Jin has time to panic, but then Namjoon grins at him, teeth and dimples in full effect and Jin feels like he can breathe again.

"I was hoping it was a date too, hyung. I'll come back at seven."

He leaves then and Jin stares at the closed door. They have a date. Namjoon is coming back for a date.

"I still got it," Jin mutters to himself and laughs, already planning the menu for tonight.

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