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THEODORA HARKNESS was not a very complicated person. At least she didn't think so. Hogwarts is supposed to be where you spend the best years of your life and although not as outgoing or extroverted as other people, she agreed. She enjoyed the way people either spoke highly of her or were afraid of her. It was always one of the two and never a mix. She even scared slytherins such as Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black and although that made them respect her, she didn't need it. The only approval she needed was her own. (and McGonagall's perhaps)

She liked her small group of friends and since two out of three were very outgoing, being their friend was enough to keep Theodora satisifed. Did she sometimes think of throwing caution to the wind and just letting loose? Maybe, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Theodora Harkness was a gifted student that had a good reputation with the teachers and she was not going to let anyone ruin that.

Sitting in the one class she dreads, potions with Gryffindors, she waits for her friend and partner to show up. It was the last week of school and she wished for classes to end soon so she could go and spend her free time in the library reading. She hears the door open and a heavily breathing Amani (she was clearly running as fast as she could) come in. She tries to apologize to the Professor for being late but it's hard to do since she's out of breath. For a quidditch player, Amani Muhammad was quite unfit.

Professor Slughirn just sighed and Amani smiled sheepishly before making her way to her seat next to Theodora. She looked up at the Ravenclaw girl, her big puppy looking eyes shining and Theodora sighed before sliding her notes towards the girl to copy down.

"I get two or three minutes late because you're never on time but twelve? Seriously, Amani? Do you not use the watch I gave you for Christmas?" The shorter girl just hummed to show she wasn't listening as she flipped through the notes. "There is no way I missed this much when i was only twelve minutes late."

Theodora looked at her friend in disappointment before sighing and looking away. Her eyes landed on the redheads in front of her. Lily Evans was busy writing down notes while Circe just rolled her eyes and played with her nails. Although she was very smart, Theodora questioned how Circe Evanora got sorted into Ravenclaw many times. The girl looked back and when their eyes met, she raised both eyebrows three times. Theodora pretended she couldn't see the girl, an amused smile on her face as she looked anywhere but the girl who was aggressively raising her eyebrows.

She knew she was trying to communicate with the stupid code they had come up with in their second year but she enjoyed annoying the girl very much. It was payback for the redhead stealing her toast this morning at breakfast.

"Circe you alright there?" Sirius whispered and the girl glared at Theodora before looking at the boy. "Since she's right next to you, could you punch Thea for me please?"

The Gryffindor boy looked at the desk next to him and gulped before looking at the redhead in front and shaking her head. Theodora smiled brightly at his frightened expression and nervous demeanor, watching as the boy slowly scooted to the other side.

Sometimes potions with the Gryffindors was okay. At least it wasn't the Slytherins. The gryffindors should be very thankful really.

Amani finally handed the girl her notes back and the girl started writing the rest of it. She only made it to the third sentence when a paper gracefully landed in front of her. Attention grabbed, Amani reached for the paper excitedly only to have her hand swatted away. Theodora opened the piece of paper carefully and her eyebrows furrowed as she read it.

The note had two boxes that said yes and no and then at the top it said 'would you like to go out with me?'. Confused as to who could've sent this, she looked around the classroom until her eyes meet soft brown ones. In the left corner of the classroom sat Remus Lupin and the boy blushed and looked away as their eyes met.

JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY. remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now